speed up Huawei phone

You know you can speed up your Huawei / Honor phone. Although Huawei / Honor phones work very well, they are basically Android, and due to the multiple customizations, our phone may start to go slow.

Here’s why I wrote this article on how to make a Huawei Honor cell phone faster. The radical solution would be to restore our phone to factory settings, but in doing so we would lose all the files if you did not perform a backup first.

How to speed up Huawei phone

In this article, we show you a very simple trick to implement, which must be done through the developer options. More than once we have explained what developer options are and what they are for. In summary, these are advanced settings hidden in the smartphone menu and which, when unlocked,  allow us to change some parameters of our devices.

From the  Android development options  you can change the speed of animations and transitions, making the phone faster. First of all,  you have to activate them, which is easier than you think. Follow these steps:

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  1. Open the settings and look for “About phone”  (the name may vary depending on the device used).
  2. Go to  “Software information”  and find  “Build number”.
  3. Tap on “Build number” 7 times. If you’ve done everything right you will see a message telling you that you are a developer.
  4. Go back to the Settings menu and you will see at the bottom, the development or developer options.
  5. Enter the Developer Options tab, then go to the Animation Level section and edit the following :
  • Window animation scale: 0.5X
  • Transition animation scale: 0.5X
  • Animator duration scale: 0.5X

This way you will notice that everything you do on your mobile, like opening apps, windows, accesses, etc., works much faster than before. What you have done is nothing else to reduce the speed of these animations or disable them directly. It’s less attractive, less pleasant, but it’s a good way to reduce the feeling of delay on the phone. So simple!

This is the best way to speed up Huawei / Honor’s phone, if you see that you don’t like it, you can always go back and put these configurations back in place.

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Gadget Modder
Born as techie and was always focused on Android, ever since the HTC Dream was introduced. The abundance of options at his disposal in the open-source environment always seemed to pique his interest. "Blogger by choice, MBA by trade."