Programming the Inteset Universal Remote (with codes)

Tired of juggling multiple remotes? The Inteset universal remote is a game-changer, letting you control all your electronics with just one device! This guide will walk you through programming your Inteset remote, including codes for various TV brands.
Why Use an Inteset Universal Remote?
Simplify Your Setup: Control your TV, cable box, DVD player, soundbar, and more with a single, convenient remote.
Replace a Lost or Broken Remote: No need to replace your original remote when it goes missing or breaks.
Customize Your Experience: Program the buttons to fit your needs.
Inteset Universal Remote Codes:
Here are a list of common Inteset universal remote codes for various devices:
Inteset Universal Remote Codes for TV
- A.R. Systems: 10556, 10037
- Accent: 10037
- Acer: 11339
- Acoustic Solutions: 11037, 11523, 11585, 11667
- Action: 10650
- Addison: 10653
- ADL: 11217
- Admiral: 10093
- Advent: 11570
- AEG: 11037, 12197
- Affinity: 13577, 13717
- Aiko: 10037
- Aim: 10037
- Aiwa: 11362
- Akai: 10812, 10702, 10765, 10556, 10037, 10714, 10208, 10672, 11326, 11385, 11523, 12414, 12676, 13067, 13183
- Akiba: 10037
- Akito: 10037
- Akura: 10171, 10037, 10714, 11037, 11498, 11585, 11667, 11687, 11983
- Alba: 10037, 10714, 11037, 10443, 11585, 12104, 12561, 12676, 13067
- Alfide: 10672
- Alien: 11037
- Allstar: 10037
- Amstrad: 10171, 10037, 11037
- Anam: 10250, 10037, 10650
- Andersson: 11585, 12676
- Anitech: 10037
- Ansonic: 10037
- AOC: 10093, 10625, 11589, 12087
- Apex Digital: 10765, 11217, 12397
- Ardem: 10037, 10714
- Arena: 10037
- Ario: 12397
- Aristona: 10556, 10037
- ART: 11037
- Art Mito: 11585
- Asberg: 10037
- Astra: 10037
- ATD: 10698
- Atlantic: 10037
- Audiosonic: 10037, 10714, 11983, 12104
- Audiovox: 11564
- Audio world: 10698
- Auria: 12087
- Autovox: 12676
- Aventura: 10171
- Axxon: 10714
- Baird: 10208
- Barco: 10556
- Base: 10698, 11570
- Basic Line: 10556, 10037, 11037
- Bauer: 12197
- Baur: 10037, 10195, 10512
- BBK: 11523
- Beijing: 10812, 10208
- Beko: 10037, 10714, 12125
- Bell & Howell: 10017
- Belson: 10698
- Belstar: 11037
- BenQ: 11523, 11756
- Bensten: 11326, 11570
- Beon: 10037
- Berthen: 10556
- Bestar: 10037
- Best well: 11326
- Bexa: 12493
- BGH: 10898, 12414
- Black Diamond: 11037
- Blaupunkt: 10195, 12426
- Blue Sky: 10556, 10037, 10625, 10714, 11037, 13997
- BlueDiamond: 12426
- Bluetech: 12561, 12844
- BOGO: 12561
- BPL: 10037, 10208
- Brandt: 10625, 10714, 11585
- Brinkmann: 10037
- Brionvega: 10037
- Britania: 12414
- Broksonic: 11892
- Bush: 10556, 10037, 10714, 11037, 10698, 10208, 10443, 11585, 11589, 11667, 11687, 11983, 12104, 12125, 12676
- Cameron: 11523
- Camper: 10037
- Canca: 11326
- Carad: 11037
- Carena: 10037
- Carrefour: 10037
- Cascade: 10037
- Casio: 10037
- Cathay: 10037
- CCE: 10037, 13782
- Celcus: 11585, 12676
- Celera: 10765
- Centrum: 11037
- Centurion: 10037
- Champion: 11362
- Changhong: 10156, 10765, 10508, 11498, 13434, 13538
- CHL: 13067
- Chun Yun: 11687, 11756
- Cinema: 10672
- Clarivox: 10037
- Clatronic: 10037, 10714
- Clayton: 11037
- CMX: 13067, 13327
- Coby: 12344, 13478, 13627
- Commercial Solutions: 11447
- Condor: 10037
- Conia: 11498, 11523, 11687
- Conrowa: 10156, 10698
- Contec: 10037
- Coradir: 12844
- Cosmel: 10037
- CPTEC: 10625
- Crown: 10037, 10714, 11037, 10208, 10672
- Crown Mustang: 10672
- Crypton: 11667
- CTX: 11756
- Curtis: 11326, 12352, 12397, 12855, 13382, 13577
- Curtis Mathes: 10093, 10702, 11661, 11959
- Cyberpix: 11667
- Cytron: 11326
- D-Vision: 10556, 10037, 12197
- Daenyx: 10672
- Daewoo: 11661, 10556, 10037, 10634, 10672
- Dansai: 10037, 10208
- Dantax: 10714, 11037, 12676
- Datsura: 10208
- Dawa: 10037
- Daytek: 10672
- Daytron: 10037
- De Graaf: 10208
- DEC: 11326
- Decca: 10037
- Dell: 11863
- Denver: 10037, 12197, 13067
- Desmet: 10037
- Diamant: 10037
- Diamond: 10698, 10672
- Digatron: 10037
- Digihome: 11667, 12676
- Digiline: 10037
- Digitor: 10037, 10698
- Digitrex: 13067
- Dikom: 12561
- Disney: 11892
- diVision: 12197
- Dixi: 10037
- DL: 11326
- Drean: 10037
- DSE: 10698, 11326
- Dual: 10037, 10714, 11037, 11585, 11667, 12197, 12676
- Dumont: 10017
- Durabrand: 10171, 10714, 11037, 11570
- Dux: 10037
- Dynatron: 10037
- Dynex: 12049
- e-motion: 12426
- E.S.C.: 10037
- Easy Living: 11217, 12005, 12104
- ECE: 10037
- ECG: 12125, 12197
- Elbe: 10556, 10037
- Electrograph: 11755
- Electrohome: 11570, 11670
- Electron: 12855
- Elektra: 10017, 11661
- Element: 11687, 11886, 12183, 12964, 13559
- Elfunk: 11037, 11208
- ELG: 10037
- Elin: 10037
- Elite: 10037
- Emerson: 10171, 11661, 10037, 10714, 11394, 11864, 11886, 11944, 11963, 12183, 13559
- Envision: 11506, 11589, 12087
- Erres: 10037
- ESA: 10812, 10171, 11944, 11963
- Essentials: 12486
- Euroman: 10037
- Europa: 10037
- Europhon: 10037
- Evesham Technology: 11667
- Evolution: 11756
- Evotel: 12561
- Excello: 11037, 11326
- Exquisit: 10037
- F&U: 12676
- Fair Mate: 11326
- FairTec: 11585
- Ferguson: 10037, 10625, 10195, 11037, 10443, 11585, 12426, 12676
- Fidelity: 10171, 10037, 10512
- Finlandia: 10208
- Finlux: 10556, 10037, 10714, 11667, 12676
- Firstline: 10556, 10037, 10714, 11037, 10208
- Fisher: 10208, 11362
- Flint: 10037
- Fluid: 12964
- Formenti: 10037
- Fortress: 10093
- Fraba: 10037
- Freesat: 11636
- Friac: 10037
- Fujimaro: 11498, 11687
- Fujimaru: 11687
- Funai: 10171, 10714, 11037, 11394, 11963
- Gaba: 11037
- Galaxi: 10037
- Galaxis: 10037
- Gateway: 11755, 11756
- GE: 10093, 10765, 11447, 11454, 10625
- GEC: 10037
- Genesis: 10037
- Genexxa: 10037
- Gericom: 11217
- GFM: 10171, 11864, 11886, 11963
- Gibralter: 10017
- Godrej: 11585
- GoGen: 12676
- GoldStar: 10037, 10714
- Goodmans: 10556, 10037, 10625, 10714, 10634, 11037, 11523, 11585, 11667, 11687, 11983, 12676
- Gorenje: 11585, 12676
- Gradiente: 10037
- Graetz: 10714
- Gran Prix: 12197
- Granada: 10037, 10208
- Grandin: 10556, 10037, 10714, 11037
- Grundig: 10556, 10037, 10195, 10443, 10672, 11223, 11523, 11667, 12125, 12561, 12676, 13067
- GVA: 11326, 13067
- H-Buster: 13620
- Haier: 10037, 10698, 10508, 11570, 11748, 11749, 11753, 11983, 12293, 12309, 12876, 13382, 13620
- Hannspree: 11348
- Hanseatic: 10556, 10037, 10625, 10714, 10634
- Hantarex: 10037, 12197
- Hantor: 10037
- Harwood: 10037
- Hauppauge: 10037
- Havermy: 10093
- HB: 10714
- HCM: 10037
- Highline: 10037
- Hikona: 11983
- Hinari: 10037, 10208, 10443
- Hisawa: 10714
- Hisense: 10156, 10556, 10508, 10208, 11208, 12183, 12846, 13382, 13519
- Hitachi: 10156, 10150, 10037, 10634, 11037, 10508, 10679, 11576, 11585, 11643, 11667, 12005, 12170, 12433, 12676, 13639
- Hitachi Fujian: 10150
- Hitec: 10698
- Höher: 10714
- Hongmei: 10093
- Hornyphon: 10037
- Hugoson: 11217
- Hypson: 10556, 10037, 10714, 11037
- Hyundai: 11037, 10698, 11326, 11523, 12676
- Iberia: 10037
- ICE: 10037
- Iiyama: 11217
- iLo: 11394
- Imperial: 10037
- Indiana: 10037
- Inno Hit: 11037, 11585
- Innova: 10037
- Insignia: 10171, 11326, 11385, 11423, 11564, 11641, 11892, 11963, 12049
- Inteq: 10017
- Interbuy: 10037
- Interfunk: 10037, 10512
- Internal: 10556
- Intervision: 10037
- Irradio: 10037
- IRT: 11661, 10698
- Isis: 12676
- Isukai: 10037
- iSymphony: 13094, 13118, 13382
- ITS: 10037
- ITT: 10208, 11523, 12125, 12676
- ITT Nokia: 10208
- ITV: 10037
- Jay-tech: 13067
- JCM: 12256
- Jean: 10156
- Jensen: 11326
- Jinfeng: 10208
- Jinxing: 10156, 10556, 10037, 10698
- JMB: 10556, 10634, 10443, 12676
- Jubilee: 10556
- JVC: 10093, 10650, 10653, 10508, 11601, 11670, 11774, 11892, 12264, 12271, 12321, 12676
- Kaisui: 10037
- Karcher: 10714, 12125
- Kathrein: 10556
- KDS: 11498, 11687
- Kendo: 10037, 11037, 11585, 12676
- Kennex: 11037
- Keymat: 11326, 11570
- Kioto: 10556
- Kiton: 10037
- KLH: 10765
- KLL: 10037
- Kneissel: 10556, 10037
- Kolin: 10150, 10037, 11217, 11240, 11610, 11755
- Kolster: 10037
- König: 10037
- Konka: 10037, 10714, 10707, 11385, 13419
- Korpel: 10037
- Kosmos: 10037
- Kunlun: 10208
- Küppersbusch: 12676
- L&S Electronic: 10714
- Lavis: 11037
- Lecson: 10037
- Lenco: 10037, 11037, 11983
- Leyco: 10037
- LG: 10017, 10556, 10037, 10714, 10698, 11423, 11840, 11860, 12182, 12358
- Liesenkötter: 10037
- Lifetec: 10037, 10714, 11037
- Linetech: 12676
- Linsar: 11585, 11667, 12676
- Lloyd: 13639
- Local India Brand: 10208
- Local Malaysia Brand: 10698
- Lodos: 11037
- Loewe: 10512, 10633
- Logik: 11037, 10698, 11217, 11585, 11687, 12486
- Luma: 11037
- Lumatron: 10037
- Lumenio: 10037
- Lux May: 10037
- Luxor: 11037, 10208, 12676
- LXI: 10156
- Madison: 10037
- MAG: 11498, 11687, 13327
- Magnavox: 10171, 11454, 11506, 11755, 11866, 11867, 11944, 11963, 12372, 12597, 13292
- Magnum: 10037, 10714
- Manesth: 10037
- Manhattan: 10037, 11037
- Manta: 13327
- Marantz: 11454, 10556, 10037
- Mark: 10037, 10714
- Mascom: 12125, 12197
- Mastro: 10698
- Masuda: 10037
- Matsui: 10556, 10037, 10714, 10195, 11037, 10208, 10443, 11667, 12486, 12676
- Matsushita: 10250, 10650
- Maxent: 11755
- Maxess: 12493
- Meck: 10698
- Mediator: 10556, 10037
- Medion: 10556, 10037, 10714, 11037, 10698, 10512, 11585, 11667, 12676
- MEI: 11037
- Melectronic: 10037, 10714, 10634, 10195, 10512
- Memorex: 10250, 10150, 11037, 11570, 11670, 11892, 11924, 11927
- Memory: 11983
- Mercury: 10037
- Mermaid: 10037
- Metronic: 10625
- Metz: 10195, 11037
- MGA: 10150
- Micromaxx: 10037, 10714, 11037
- Microsonic: 11326
- Midland: 10017
- Mikomi: 11585, 11667
- Minato: 10037
- Minerva: 10195
- Ministry Of Sound: 11667
- Minoka: 10037
- Mitsubishi: 10250, 10093, 10150, 11250, 10556, 10037, 11037, 10512, 11797, 13330
- Mitsui: 13656, 13658
- Mivar: 10609
- Moree: 10037
- Morgan’s: 10037
- Moserbaer: 11585
- Motorola: 10093
- MTC: 10512
- MTlogic: 10714, 12104
- Mudan: 10208
- Multitec: 10037, 11037
- Multitech: 10037
- Murphy: 12005
- Mx Onda: 11498, 11687, 11983
- Myryad: 10556
- NAD: 10156, 10037
- Naiko: 10037
- Nakimura: 10037
- National: 10508, 10208
- Naxa: 12104, 13382
- NEC: 10156, 10653, 10508, 11585, 11797, 12293, 12461
- Neckermann: 10556, 10037
- NEI: 10037, 11037
- Netsat: 10037
- NetTV: 11755
- Neufunk: 10556, 10037, 10714
- Nevir: 12676
- New Tech: 10556, 10037
- Newave: 10093
- Nexus Electronics: 12183
- Nikkai: 10037
- Nikkei: 10714, 12197
- Nimbro: 12104
- Noblex: 11362, 13803
- Nokia: 10208
- Norcent: 11589
- Nordmende: 10037, 10714, 10195, 11585, 11667, 13327, 13419
- Normerel: 10037
- Novatronic: 10037
- Novex: 11523
- Novita: 11585
- NPG: 13434
- Oceanic: 10208
- OK Line: 11037
- OK.: 12676, 13047, 13434
- Okano: 10037
- OKI: 11585, 11667, 12125, 12676, 13434
- Ölevia: 11144, 11240, 11610
- Omni: 10698, 11570
- Onei: 11667
- Onida: 10653, 12414
- Onimax: 10714
- Onix: 10698
- Onn: 11667, 12125
- Opera: 10037, 10714
- Optimus: 10250, 10650, 11924, 11927
- Optoma: 11348
- Optonica: 10093
- Orava: 11037
- Orbit: 10037
- Orion: 10556, 10037, 10714, 11037, 10443, 12005, 12676
- Orline: 10037
- Ormond: 11037
- Osaki: 10556, 10037
- Osio: 10037
- Osume: 10037
- Otic: 11326, 11498, 11687, 11983
- Otto Versand: 10093, 10556, 10037, 10195, 10512
- Pacific: 10556, 10714, 11037, 10443
- Palladium: 10556, 10037, 10714
- Palsonic: 10037, 10698, 11326, 12461, 13067
- Panama: 10037
- Panasonic: 10250, 10037, 10650, 10508, 10208, 11291, 11480, 11636, 11650, 11924, 11927, 11941, 11947, 12170, 12264, 13825
- Panavideo: 13825
- Panavision: 10037
- Panda: 10698, 10508, 10208
- PARK: 12104
- Penney: 10156
- Perdio: 10037
- Perfekt: 10037
- Philco: 10171, 11661, 10037, 11362, 11394, 11963, 12414, 13426, 13639
- Philips: 10017, 10171, 11454, 10556, 10037, 13614, 13292, 12800, 12768, 12597, 12372, 11944, 11887, 11867, 11866, 11756, 11506, 11394, 10512
- Phocus: 10714
- Phoenix: 10037
- Phonola: 10556, 10037
- Pioneer: 10037, 10698, 10512, 10679, 11260, 11457, 11636
- PJ: 11506
- Planar: 11589
- Plantron: 10037
- Playsonic: 10037, 10714
- Polaroid: 10765, 11326, 11385, 11498, 11523, 11687, 12125, 12676
- Polyvision: 11144
- Portland: 11661
- Powerpoint: 10037, 10698
- Prestiz: 13419
- Prima: 11749, 11753, 12461
- Princess: 11326
- Prinston: 11037
- Pro Vision: 10556, 10037, 10714, 12197
- Profitronic: 10037
- Proline: 10037, 10625, 10634, 11037, 12676
- Proscan: 11447, 12147, 12183, 12256, 13382, 13577, 13717
- Prosco: 10156
- Prosonic: 10037, 10714, 11523, 11585, 11667, 12125, 12197, 12676
- Protech: 10037, 11037
- Proview: 11498, 11687
- Pulsar: 10017
- Pye: 10556, 10037
- Qingdao: 10208
- Quadro: 11326, 11667
- Quasar: 10250, 10650, 11291, 11924, 11927
- Quelle: 10037, 10195, 11037, 10512
- R-Line: 10037
- Radiola: 10556, 10037
- Radiomarelli: 10037
- RadioShack: 10037
- Radiotone: 10037, 11037
- RCA: 10093, 11661, 11447, 11454, 10625, 13717, 13577, 13426, 13419, 13382, 12932, 12855, 12746, 12434, 12247, 12187, 12183, 11959,
- 11781: 11385, 10679
- Recor: 10037
- Rectiligne: 10037
- Red Star: 10037
- Reflex: 10037, 11037
- Relisys: 11585
- Remotec: 10250, 10093, 10171, 10037
- Reoc: 10714, 12197
- Revox: 10037
- RFT: 10037
- Roadstar: 10037, 10714, 11037
- Rowa: 10037, 10698, 10898
- Runco: 10017
- S-Media: 11217
- Saba: 10250, 10625, 10714, 12676
- Saga: 12197
- Saivod: 10037, 11037
- Sakura: 11326
- Salora: 10208, 12125, 12197
- Sampo: 10093, 10171, 10650, 10898, 11385, 11755, 13419
- Samsung: 10156, 10812, 10702, 10556, 10037, 10650, 10208, 11458, 11632, 11959, 12051, 12953
- Sandstrøm: 12197
- Sansui: 10171, 10037, 10714, 10898, 11670, 11892, 13559
- Sanyo: 10156, 11037, 10508, 10208, 11142, 11208, 11362, 11498, 11585, 11667, 12461, 12676
- Sanyuan: 10093
- SBR: 10556, 10037
- Sceptre: 11217, 11360, 12528
- Schaub Lorenz: 10714, 11667, 12125, 12197, 12676
- Schneider: 10556, 10037, 10714, 11037, 11585, 12676
- Schöntech: 11037
- Scott: 11983
- Sears: 10156, 10171
- Seaway: 10634
- Seelver: 11037
- SEG: 10037, 11037, 11523, 12125, 13434
- SEI: 10037
- Sei-Sinudyne: 10037
- Seiki: 12964, 13559
- Semp: 10156, 11743
- Semp Toshiba: 10156, 11743, 13793
- Sencor: 10714, 12197, 13067
- Senzu: 12493
- Serie Dorada: 10156
- Serino: 10093
- Shanghai: 10208
- Sharp: 10093, 10650, 10818, 11393, 11423, 11659, 12360, 12676, 12951
- Sheng Chia: 10093
- Shinelco: 12104
- Shintoshi: 10037
- Shivaki: 10037, 10443
- Siam; 10037
- Siemens: 10037, 10195
- Siera: 10556, 10037
- Silva: 10037
- Silva Schneider: 10037, 12125, 12197
- SilverCrest: 11037, 12676
- Sinudyne: 10037
- SKY: 10037
- Skyworth: 10037, 10698, 12899
- Sogo: 13067
- Solavox: 10037
- Soniko: 10037
- Soniq: 12493
- Sonitron: 10208
- Sonneclair: 10037
- Sonoko: 10037
- Sonolor: 10208
- Sontec: 10037
- Sontech: 11983
- Sony: 11505, 10810, 11385, 11651, 11825, 12778
- Soundwave: 10037, 11037
- Sowa: 10156
- Soyea: 10698, 11743
- Spectroniq: 11498, 11687
- Squareview: 10171
- SR Standard: 10037, 11037
- Starlite: 10037
- STI: 13793
- Strato: 10037
- SunBriteTV: 11610, 12528
- Sunny: 10037
- Sunstar: 10037
- Sunstech: 12676
- Sunwood: 10037
- Superscan: 10093, 10864, 11944
- Supersonic: 10208, 11753, 12104
- SuperTech: 10556, 10037
- SVA: 11326, 11498, 11963
- Svasa: 10208
- Swisstec: 12104, 12106
- Sylvania: 10171, 11394, 11864, 11886, 11944, 11963
- Symphonic: 10171, 11394, 11944
- Synco: 10093, 11755
- Syntax: 11144, 11240, 11610
- Sysline: 10037
- Tandy: 10093
- Tashiko: 10650
- Tatung: 10156, 10037, 11687, 11756
- Tauras: 12197
- TCL: 10698, 10898, 12414, 12434, 13047, 13183, 13426
- TCM: 10714
- Teac: 10171, 10037, 10714, 11037, 10698, 10512, 10898, 11755, 11983
- Tec: 10037
- Tech Line: 10037, 11585
- Technica: 11037, 12106, 12426
- Technics: 10250, 10556, 10650
- Technika: 11667, 11983, 12106, 12125, 12197, 12426, 12676, 13067
- TechniSat: 10556
- Technisson: 10714
- Techno: 11585
- Technosonic: 10556, 10625, 11326
- Techwood: 11037, 11667, 12676
- Tecnimagen: 10556
- Teco: 10093, 10653, 11523, 11687
- Tedelex: 10208
- Teknika: 10150
- TELE System: 11585, 12125
- Telecor: 10037
- Telefunken: 10702, 10037, 10625, 10714, 10698, 11326, 11585, 11667, 12414, 12676
- Telefusion: 10037
- Telegazi: 10037
- Telemeister: 10037
- Telesonic: 10037
- Telestar: 10556, 10037
- Teletech: 10037, 11037
- Teleview: 10037
- Tennessee: 10037
- Tensai: 10037, 11037
- Terris: 11667
- Tesco: 12426
- Tesla: 10556, 10037, 10714, 11037
- Tevion: 10556, 10037, 10714, 11037, 11498, 11585, 11667, 11687, 12125, 12197
- Thomson: 11447, 10037, 10625, 13047
- Thorn: 10037, 10512
- Tiane: 10093
- TML: 11756
- TNCi: 10017
- Tokai: 10037, 11037
- Tokaido: 11037
- Tophouse: 10672, 11385
- Topline: 11037
- Toshiba: 10156, 10093, 10195, 11037, 10650, 10508, 11508, 11524, 11656, 11743, 11959, 12676, 12724, 13105
- TRANS-continents: 10556, 10037, 11037
- Transonic: 10037, 10698, 10512, 11326
- Triad: 10556
- Trio: 11498, 11687
- Triumph: 10556, 10037
- TVTEXT: 95, 10556
- Uher: 10037
- Ultravox: 10037
- UMC: 12106, 12426
- Unic Line: 10037
- Uniden: 11667, 12676
- United: 10556, 10037, 10714, 11037, 11523, 11983, 12125
- Universal: 10037, 10714
- Universum: 10037, 10195, 11037, 10512
- Univox: 10037
- V7 Videoseven: 11217, 11755
- Venus: 11326
- Vestel: 10037, 11037, 11585, 11667
- Vexa: 10037
- Victor: 10250, 10650, 10653
- Videocon: 10037, 10508
- VideoSystem: 10037
- Viewsonic: 10864, 10885, 11564, 11640, 11755, 12049, 12087
- Viore: 12104, 12352, 13094, 13118, 13382
- Vision: 10037
- VisionPlus: 12426
- Visual Innovations: 12106
- Vivax: 11326
- VIZIO: 10864, 10885, 11756, 11758, 12512, 12707, 12757, 13415, 13758
- Vortec: 10037
- Voxson: 10037, 11667, 12197
- Vue: 11570
- Walker: 11585, 11667, 12676
- Waltham: 10037, 11037, 10443
- Wards: 10017, 10156
- Watson: 10037, 10714, 11037
- Waycon: 10156
- Wega: 10037
- Welltech: 10714
- Weltstar: 11037
- Westinghouse: 10885, 11217, 11712, 11755, 12293, 12397, 13094, 13382, 13470, 13579
- Westwood: 11585
- Wharfedale: 10556, 10037, 11667, 11983
- White Westinghouse: 11661, 10037
- Wilson: 10556
- Windsor: 11037
- Windy Sam: 10556
- Wintel: 10714
- World-of-Vision: 11217
- Xenius: 10634
- Xiahua: 10698
- Xiron: 11037, 11983
- XLogic: 10698
- Xoceco: 10037, 12461
- Xoro: 11217
- Xrypton: 10037
- Yamaha: 10650, 11576
- Yamishi: 10037
- Yapshe: 10250
- Yokan: 10037
- Yoko: 10037
- YU-MA-TU: 10037
- Zenith: 10017, 11661, 11423, 12358
- Zepto: 11585
- Zonda: 10698
Inteset Universal Remote Codes for Amplifier
- Denon: 30272, 32706
- Harman/Kardon: 33045
- Logitech: 31408
- Marantz: 32138
- Onkyo: 32878
Inteset Universal Remote Codes for Audio & Video Receiver
- Bose: 31229
- Cambridge Audio: 31647
- Daewoo: 31293
- Denon: 31360, 32516, 32681, 32857, 32861
- Digeo: 32861
- Emotiva: 33736
- Fonmix: 31360
- Harman/Kardon: 31304
- Integra: 30135, 31320, 31805
- JBL: 31304
- JVC: 30074
- Kenwood: 31313, 31293
- LG: 31293, 32197
- Logitech: 32436
- Magnavox: 31269, 31831
- Marantz: 31269, 31289, 32114
- McIntosh: 31289
- Medion: 32197
- NAD: 30320
- Nakamichi: 31313
- Onkyo: 30135, 31320, 31805, 33259
- Optimus: 31023
- Palladium: 31293
- Panasonic: 31518, 31763, 31779, 31831, 33309, 33425
- Philips: 31269, 31289, 31673, 31831, 32459, 33005
- Pioneer: 31023, 31123, 31459, 31935
- Polk Audio: 31289
- Radionette: 31293
- RCA: 31023, 31123, 31459
- Samsung: 31295, 31304, 31868, 32809
- Silsonic: 30176
- Sony: 31441, 31759, 31622, 31112, 31158, 31454, 31758, 31822, 31858, 32172
- Stereophonics: 31023
- Sunfire: 31313
- Sungoo: 31313
- Targa: 31293
- Technics: 31518, 31763
- Toshiba: 31123
- Victor: 30074
- Yamaha: 30176, 31276, 31776, 31815, 32061, 32467, 33030
- Zenith: 31293, 32197
Inteset Universal Remote Codes for VCR
- Admiral: 20048
- Aiwa: 20037, 20032, 20742, 21137
- Akai: 20037, 20240
- Alba: 20081
- Allegro: 21137
- Allorgan: 20240
- Allstar: 20081
- Anam: 20037, 20240, 21562
- Aristona: 20081
- ASA: 20037, 20081
- Asha: 20240
- Asuka: 20037, 20081
- Audiolab: 20081
- Audiovox: 20037
- Awa: 20037
- Beaumark: 20240
- Blaupunkt: 20081
- Blue Sky: 20037, 20742, 21137
- Broksonic: 20742
- Bush: 20081, 20742
- Calix: 20037
- Carena: 20081
- Carver: 20081
- Changhong: 20048, 20081
- CineVision: 21137
- Citizen: 20037
- Craig: 20037, 20240
- Crosley: 20081
- Crown: 20037
- Curtis Mathes: 20240
- Cybernex: 20240
- Cyrus: 20081
- Daewoo: 21137
- Dantax: 20742
- De Graaf: 20048, 20081
- Decca: 20081, 20067
- Diamant: 20037
- DirecTV: 20739
- Dual: 20081
- Dumont: 20081
- E.S.C.: 20240
- Electrohome: 20037
- Electrophonic: 20037
- Elin: 20240
- Emerex: 20032
- Emerson: 20037, 20240
- ESA: 21137
- Ferguson: 20742
- Fidelity: 20240
- Finlandia: 20048, 20081
- Finlux: 20081
- Firstline: 20037, 21137
- Fujitsu General: 20037
- GE: 20048, 20240
- GEC: 20081
- Go Video: 20240, 21137
- GoldStar: 20037, 21137
- Goodmans: 20037, 20081, 20240, 20742
- GPX: 20037
- Gradiente: 21137
- Graetz: 20240
- Granada: 20037, 20048, 20081, 20240
- Grandin: 20037, 20742
- Grundig: 20081, 20742
- Hanseatic: 20037, 20081
- Haojie: 20240
- Harman/Kardon: 20081
- Hinari: 20240
- Hitachi: 20037, 20081, 20240
- Hornyphon: 20081
- Humax: 20739
- Hypson: 20037
- Ingersoll: 20240
- Interbuy: 20037
- Interfunk: 20081
- International: 20037
- Intervision: 20037
- Irradio: 20037, 20081, 21137
- ITT: 20240
- ITV: 20037
- JMB: 20742
- JVC: 20081, 20067
- Kambrook: 20037
- Karcher: 20081
- KEC: 20037
- Kendo: 20037
- Kenwood: 20067
- Kneissel: 20037
- Kodak: 20037
- LG: 20037, 21137
- Loewe: 20037, 20081, 21562
- Logik: 20240
- Lumatron: 21137
- Lunatron: 21137
- Luxor: 20048
- LXI: 20037
- Magnavox: 20081
- Magnin: 20240
- Manesth: 20081
- Marantz: 20081
- Marta: 20037
- Matsui: 20037, 20240, 20742
- Mediator: 20081
- Melectronic: 20037
- Memorex: 20037, 20048, 20240
- Metronic: 20081
- Metz: 20037, 20081, 21562
- MGA: 20240
- MGN Technology: 20240
- Mitsubishi: 20048, 20081, 20067
- Motorola: 20048
- MTC: 20240
- Multitec: 20037
- Myryad: 20081
- NEC: 20037, 20048, 20067, 21137
- Neckermann: 20081
- Neufunk: 21137
- Newave: 20037
- Nikko: 20037
- Noblex: 20240
- Nokia: 20048, 20081, 20240
- Nordmende: 20067
- Oceanic: 20048, 20081
- Optimus: 20037, 20048
- Orion: 20742
- Osaki: 20037
- Otto Versand: 20081
- Pacific: 20742
- Palladium: 20037
- Panasonic: 21562
- Penney: 20037, 20240
- Philips: 20081, 20739
- Phonola: 20081
- Pilot: 20037
- Pioneer: 20081, 20067
- Polk Audio: 20081
- Profitronic: 20081, 20240
- Protech: 20081
- Pye: 20081
- Quelle: 20081
- Radialva: 20037, 20048, 20081
- Radiola: 20081
- Radionette: 20037, 21137
- RadioShack: 20037
- Radix: 20037
- Randex: 20037
- RCA: 20048, 20240
- RCN: 20739
- Realistic: 20037, 20048
- Rio: 21137
- Roadstar: 20037, 20081, 20240, 20742
- Sampo: 20037, 20048
- Samsung: 20240, 20742
- Sanky: 20048
- Sansei: 20048
- Sansui: 20067
- Sanyo: 20048, 20240, 20067, 21137
- Saville: 20240
- SBR: 20081
- ScanSonic: 20240
- Schneider: 20037, 20081, 20240, 21137
- Sears: 20037
- SEG: 20081, 20240
- SEI: 20081
- Sei-Sinudyne: 20081
- Seleco: 20037
- Sharp: 20037, 20048, 21137
- Shivaki: 20037
- Shogun: 20240
- Siemens: 20037, 20081
- Siera: 20081
- Silva: 20037
- Silva Schneider: 21137
- Sinudyne: 20081
- Sonic Blue: 21137
- Sonolor: 20048
- Sontec: 20037
- Sony: 20032
- Soundwave: 20037
- Supra: 20037
- Sylvania: 20081
- Tashiko: 20037, 20048, 20081, 20240
- Tatung: 20048, 20081, 20067, 20742
- Teac: 20037
- Technics: 20081
- Teco: 20037, 20048
- Tedelex: 20037
- Teknika: 20037
- Telestar: 20037
- Tensai: 20037
- Tesla: 20081
- Thomson: 20067
- Thorn: 20037
- TiVo: 20739
- TMK: 20240
- Tokai: 20037
- Toshiba: 20081, 20067, 20742
- Totevision: 20037, 20240
- Tradex: 20081
- Uher: 20240
- Unitech: 20240
- United: 20742
- Universum: 20037, 20081, 20240, 21137
- Victor: 20067
- Videomagic: 20037
- Videosonic: 20240
- Wards: 20048, 20081, 20240
- Watson: 20081
- Weltblick: 20037
- Yoko: 20037, 20240
- Zenith: 20037, 21137
How to Program Your Inteset Universal Remote:
1. Turn on Your Device: Power on the device you want to program (TV, DVD player, etc.).
2. Select Device Type: Press the button on your Inteset remote that corresponds to the device type you want to program (TV, DVD, CBL, etc.).
3. Enter Programming Mode: Press and hold the “SET” button until the LED light blinks twice. Release the button.
4. Enter the Code: Enter the four-digit code for your device. The code can be found in the list provided above or in the Inteset manual.
5. Confirm the Code: The LED light should blink twice if the code is correct. If it doesn’t, try a different code.
6. Test the Remote: Point the remote at your device and press the “Power” button. Your device should turn off.
Programming Using the Auto-Search Method:
If you’re not sure what code to use, try the auto-search method:
Turn On Your Device: Power on your device.
Select Device Type: Press the device button on your remote.
Press CH+ or CH-: Point the remote at your device and press the “CH+” or “CH-” button continuously until the device turns off.
Verify and Save: Press the “Power” button to confirm. Then, press the device button to save the code.
Programming Using the Manual Method:
Turn On Your Device: Power on your device.
Press the Device Button: Press the device button on your remote.
Enter Programming Mode: Press the “Setup” button until the LED light flashes.
Enter the Code: Enter the code from your device’s manual.
Test the Remote: Point the remote at your device and press the “Power” button. Your device should turn off.
Programming Using the Code Search Method:
Turn On Your Device: Power on your device.
Enter Programming Mode: Press the “Setup” button on your remote.
Enter the Code: Enter “991”.
Press and Hold the Power Button: Press and hold the “Power” button and press the “Channel Up” button until the device turns off.
[Continue with a section about the advantages of universal remotes, tips for troubleshooting, and support resources from Inteset.]
Now you have the knowledge to program your Inteset universal remote! Simplify your entertainment setup and enjoy a clutter-free experience. Let us know if you have any questions.