Google Chrome has a built-in ad blocker. How to turn on

Despite the fact that advertising is the basis of the economic model that has developed on the Internet and is often quite relevant, sometimes it turns out to be so intrusive that you just want to hide it and never see it again.

At the end, who agrees to endure banners blocking the content, interfering with its consumption, even if they offer to buy the very coffee machine that you are just looking for.

Such ads are a good example of bad advertising that does more harm than good, so Google decided to give Chrome users the ability to block it.

Chrome has a built-in adblocker. But while it is not available to everyone

A few months ago, it became known that Google had started testing Chrome’s built-in adblocker. Then many thought it was absurd. After all, one of the main revenue items of the search giant is advertising. And if the company starts blocking it in the most popular browser, it will, in fact, voluntarily deprive itself of earnings. But after a detailed study of the issue, it became clear that Google plans to block only advertisements by unscrupulous advertisers, which interferes with the perception of content or loads users’ devices too much. And now it has become available for testing to ordinary users.

Turn on ad blocking in Chrome

  • To enable the built-in ad blocker, go to chrome: // flags;
  • Find the parameter Heavy Ad Intervention;

Google Chrome adblocker doesn’t block all, but only heavy ads

  • In the pop-up window opposite the parameter, select Enabled;
  • Restart your browser by clicking on the blue Relaunch button that appears at the bottom of the screen.

As the name suggests, it only blocks heavy ads. Most likely, in this case, we are talking about ads that put an unnecessary strain on users’ devices and make them work more slowly.

And since the responsible administrators, as a rule, do not allow themselves to place such advertisements on their websites, it is probably not worth counting on the fact that their number will change dramatically. In the end, the blocker is more precautionary than punitive.

An important Chrome setting that you cannot disable

Be careful. When searching for a keyword blocker, you may come across another parameter called Disable heavy ad privacy mitigations. It disables the browser’s defense mechanism and is intended only for developers and site owners.

Therefore, we strongly recommend that you do not activate this option if you do not want to endanger yourself and your data, which attackers can probably gain access to.

Since Google is still testing the heavy ad blocking feature, not all users will be able to activate it. The fact is that in the public version of Chrome, the blocker spreads extremely slowly. In any case, I could not find this innovation at home.

However, it is guaranteed to be present in a test version of the browser called Chrome Canary. Therefore, if you want to evaluate the work of the blocker before others or already use Canary, follow the instructions presented above and enjoy the absence of heavy advertising.