Gboard blobmojis: what are they and how to use them in your chats

Gboard blobmojis

Gboard is one of the best keyboards for Android. Why do we say it? Well, because Google does not neglect this app and always includes great news in it. However, the big G also knows how to revive the older functions of its keyboard. And that’s what Google has done recently by bringing Blobmojis back to Gboard.

Don’t you know these emojis or how to activate them? Well then stay, because here you are going to see what Gboard Blobmojis are and how they are used.

The “blobs”, the classic Android emojis

classic Android emojis


As we mentioned above, this emoji pack was one of the oldest on Android. Blobmojis were used between 2013 and 2017. Google removed the “blobs” in Android Oreo and completely changed the design of Gboard emojis.

The Blobmojis had a lot of variety, so they were perfect to accompany the text of the messages in the chats. That is why the disappearance of “the blobs” generated a great disappointment in the Android community.

Google revived Blobmojis in 2018, but they came in a sticker pack and not as emojis. This did not convince users, as they wanted the “blobs” to return to Gboard as they were beforeThe good news is that Google finally listened to these requests and the Blobmojis are available again!

How to use Blobmojis on Gboard

How to use Blobmojis on Gboard


First of all, remember that this function has just arrived on the Google keyboard. So download the latest version of Gboard first before trying to use the blobs.

Follow the steps that you are going to see below to use the Blobmojis in Gboard :

  • Open a messaging app (it can be WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal, Google Messages, or any other).
  • Enter a chat and play the keyboard.
  • Click on the emoji icon. This is next to the space bar.
  • Now select the magic wand emoji.
  • Then tap another emoji.
  • At that point, you will see the “blobs” at the top of the keyboard. Tap the Blobmoji you like to include in the text of your message.
  • And ready! We invite you to combine the magic wand with various emojis to discover the new “blobs” of Gboard.

And you, what do you think of this novelty of the Google keyboard? Do you like Blobmojis? 

About Gadget Modder

Born as techie and was always focused on Android, ever since the HTC Dream was introduced. The abundance of options at his disposal in the open-source environment always seemed to pique his interest. "Blogger by choice, MBA by trade."