WhatsApp Emoticon Meaning Of Smileys and Symbols

Each of us, on their smartphone, has installed WhatsApp.because the application allows you to keep in touch not only with friends but also with relatives and work colleagues.

In fact, with a few simple clicks, you can start a chat, send a voice message, make a call and set a temporary state to express your mood of the day (just in this regard we have created a collection with the best phrases for each occasion ).

When I write a message I usually also insert WhatsApp emoticons (also known as WhatsApp emoji), because including smileys and symbols helps the reader to interpret what is written in the best way.


Several times, however, I happened to notice that the meaning of the WhatsApp emoticon used was very different from what I thought. So here I decided to write today’s article, where we will go to see the meaning of all WhatsApp emoticons, including new ones.

Origin of the term emoticon

The term emoticon derives from the union of two English words, emotion and icon, which as easily understood in Italian translate respectively into emotion and icon.

The combination of these two terms has given rise to a symbolic expression expressed initially through the use of round brackets, semicolons, two points and numbers, and now through the use of special smileys, thanks to which a user expresses the own feelings and/or mood.

WhatsApp emoticons, all categories

Emoticons and symbols on the application note are many and constantly updated. For easier reading, we have decided to divide the WhatsApp emojis by following the categories in the app, namely: smileys and people (1), animals and nature (2), sports (3), vehicles and places (4), objects (5), symbols (6) and flags (7).


Meaning WhatsApp smiley emoticons and people

  1. 😀 Smiley face with open mouth – Without a shadow of a doubt the smiley face is one of the most used on WhatsApp. It can simply mean “hello” or indicate a happy state.
  2. 😃 Smiley with big smile – It is used when we have witnessed a nice event capable of attracting our attention.
  3. 😄 Smiley with big smile and happy eyes – This emoticon indicates a thunderous laugh. It is usually used in response to a joke or a particularly fun event.
  4. 😁 Smiley with gritted teeth – Happiness, light-heartedness, fun. The WhatsApp emoticon that smiles with clenched teeth and closed eyes contains several positive moods.
  5. 😆 Smiley face with big smile and closed eyes – I can’t stop laughing! Here is the meaning of this fun WhatsApp emoji. It can be replaced by the classic XD face.
  6. 😅 Smiling face with cold sweating – Indicates a positive state of relief. It is perfect when you have overcome something worrying and / or particularly difficult, such as a university exam or an important appointment for example.
  7. 😂 Smiley face laughing with tears of joy – is probably the most used WhatsApp emoticon ever. Something extremely funny has happened and it is impossible to stop laughing.
  8. 🤣 Face that rolls with laughter – I can’t do it, I’m doing it with laughter! It can easily be replaced by “ROTFL”, which in Italian translates to “rolling on the floor with laughter”.
  9. ☺️ Emoticon with rosy cheeks and closed eyes – This emoji expresses a sense of slight embarrassment. Usually it is used in situations where you are not convinced of what has been done or said.
  10. 😊 Smiling face with rosy cheeks – It expresses a sense of bliss and complete satisfaction, which however you do not want to express in a blatant way.
  11. 😇 Smiley face with halo – It can have a double meaning. The WhatsApp emoticon with the halo can indicate a person or a good deed or a less good fact or event, which in hindsight perhaps would not have happened.
  12. 🙂 Smiley face – Another of the most used WhatsApp emoticons. The smiley face, also known as “smile”, is used in many contexts, especially when you want to express a joyful message, and on different platforms. It is not at all strange to insert it as an emoji on Facebook or Instagram.
  13. 🙃 Upside down emoticon – The upside down emoticon is used in singular situations to indicate something funny or silly, or more simply to say “I was joking”.
  14. 😉 Winking face – The meaning of the winking emoji has several nuances: it can mean consent with what someone else has said or expressed or it can be used to “lighten” a speech considered too serious.
  15. 😌 Face lifted – Fortunately everything went well. It is indicated for when something worrying has ended and therefore all negative thoughts have vanished to give way to a feeling of pure relief.
  16. 😍 Emoticon with heart-shaped eyes – Used mostly by couples or by those who experience a great feeling of love or affection towards a person, a place or an object.
  17. 🥰 Smiley face with choirs around
  18. 😘 Smiley face sending a heart shaped kiss – This emoticon expresses closeness to another person. It can be used to say “I love you” or to send affection signals to a person we like.
  19. 😗 Face that sends a kiss – The WhatsApp emoji with a neutral face, which does not reveal any feeling, can be used to send a friendly kiss to friends and relatives.
  20. 😙 A happy smiley face that sends a kiss – This emoticon that shows a face with smiling eyes is perfect for those who want to show their affection towards an important person.
  21. 😚 Face with closed eyes that sends a kiss – The face with rosy cheeks and angelic face ready to send a kiss means a sense of appreciation combined with slight embarrassment. If you want to show interest in the boy or girl you like, this is the right emoticon.
  22. 😋 Licking smiley face – The smiling smiley with tongue out indicates a sense of pleasure because you have just tried it like it, like a tasty dish for example.
  23. 😛 Smiley face – Expresses a playful sense. It is used to dampen and lighten the tone of a discussion, placing it on an ironic theme.
  24. 😝 Face with closed eyes that makes the tongue – It serves to reinforce the concept of the previous emoji. The smile that winks and at the same time with tongue indicates a huge humor.
  25. 😜 winking smiley face – This WhatsApp emoticon is used when you want to create irony or have just seen something exciting.
  26. 🤪 Smiley face with crazy smile.
  27. 🤨 Doubtful face
  28. 🧐 Doubtful face with glasses.
  29. 🤓 Nerd face – Large glasses and protruding teeth are attributable to the figure of the nerd. With this smiley face you can indicate our great passion or superiority in something that you master.
  30. 😎 Smiley face with sunglasses – Symbolizes the summer, the sun and the arrival of summer. It can also mean completing an action or easily overcoming a challenge.
  31. 🤩 Emoticon with star eyes.
  32. 🥳 Festive face.
  33. 😏 Sarcastic smile, winking face.
  34. 😒 Disgusted face, annoyed face, listless face.
  35. 😔 Frowning face with closed eyes – This emoticon expresses a great sense of despair. Something unpleasant happened (a bad grade at school, a discussion with a person you care about, etc.) capable of bringing down our morale.
  36. 😞 Disappointed face – The emoticon looks down in defeat and expresses a feeling of sadness and disappointment.
  37. 😟 Disoriented
  38. 😕 Slightly confused
  39. 🙁 Startled
  40. ☹️ Even more stunned
  41. 😣 Powerless, when nothing can be done
  42. 😖 Sulky
  43. 😩 Even more tired
  44. 😫 Tired
  45. 🥺 smiley face about to cry, smiley face on the verge of tears
  46. 😢 Disappointed with tear
  47. 😭 Crying a lot
  48. 😤 I lost patience
  49. 😠 Angry
  50. 😡 Enraged
  51. 🤬 Swearing
  52. 🤯 My brain exploded, my brain melted
  53. 😳 Really surprised, when you don’t believe what you’ve seen or read
  54. 🥵 It’s hot
  55. 🥶 It’s cold
  56. 😱 Screaming in fear
  57. 😨 Afraid
  58. 😰 Afraid and with cold sweats
  59. 😥 Even more disappointed with tear
  60. 😓 Sweating cold
  61. 🤗 Emoticon hugging – The WhatsApp emoji with rosy cheeks and open arms is a sign of closeness, warmth and comfort. Perfect for when you would like to say “hug you”.
  62. 🤔 Thoughtful face – The classic thinking emoji with hand on the chin is synonymous with thoughtfulness, when one wonders if what we have been told is true or not, or how much we are thinking about the right answer.
  63. 🤭 Face with laughing hand in front of mouth
  64. 🤫 Face with your finger in front of your mouth – Shut up, keep quiet, don’t tell anyone.
  65. 🤥 Pinocchio
  66. 😶 Emoticon without mouth, to indicate that one was left speechless
  67. 😐 Neutral emoticon with open eyes
  68. 😑 Neutral face with closed eyes
  69. 😬 Smiley face with clenched teeth, to indicate that you do not completely agree
  70. 🙄 Bored
  71. 😯 Slight amazement
  72. 😦 Astonished
  73. 😧 Even more astonished
  74. 😮 Face with open mouth, to indicate a state of surprise
  75. 😲 Face with slammed mouth, to indicate a state of shock
  76. 😴 Sleep
  77. 🤤 Mouth drool for seeing something attractive
  78. 😪 Sleepy
  79. 😵 Confused
  80. 🤐 Mute like a fish, to indicate that it is a secret
  81. 🥴 Stunned, dazed emoticon
  82. 🤢 Nausea
  83. 🤮 Vomiting
  84. 🤧 Cooled
  85. 😷 Face with medical mask
  86. 🤒 Feverish
  87. 🤕 Face with bandage
  88. 🤑 Smiley face with money – The emoticon with the dollar sign instead of the eyes and a banknote as a language presupposes a decidedly substantial win or cash return.
  89. 🤠 Face with cowboy hat – In films and TV series the people who impersonate cowboys are characterized by a strong personality, always sure of what they do.
  90. 😈 Little devil smiling
  91. 👿 Angry little devil
  92. 👹 Japanese Namahage mask, to chase away evil spirits
  93. 👺 Goblin
  94. 🤡 Clown face – The clown is usually comparable to something playful and funny. For some people, however, clowns are also synonymous with great fear and insecurity.
  95. 💩 Shit, shit
  96. 👻 Ghost
  97. 💀 Skull
  98. ☠️ Skull with bones
  99. 👽 Alien
  100. 👾 Space Invaders
  101. 🤖 Robot
  102. 🎃 Halloween pumpkin
  103. 😺 Cat smiling
  104. 😸 Cat smiling with closed eyes
  105. 😹 Cat smiling with tears of joy
  106. 😻 Cat smiling with heart-shaped eyes
  107. 😼 Cat with a mocking look
  108. 😽 Cat kissing with closed eyes
  109. 🙀 Cat screaming in fear
  110. 😿 Cat disappointed
  111. 😾 Angry cat
  112. 🤲 Put out your hands
  113. 👐 Open your hands
  114. 🙌 Hands raised to celebrate the success of an event
  115. 👏 Clap your hands
  116. 🙏 Prayer and thank
  117. 🤝 Handshake
  118. 👍 I like it
  119. 👎 I don’t like it
  120. 👊 Fist
  121. ✊ Hit with a punch
  122. 🤛 Launch a punch to the left
  123. 🤜 Throw a punch to the right
  124. 🤞 Index and middle fingers crossed as a sign of superstition
  125. ✌️ Index and middle fingers raised in victory
  126. 🤘 Index finger and little finger raised to form the gesture of the horns
  127. 👌 Index finger and thumb together to indicate that everything is fine
  128. 👈 Point to the left
  129. 👉 Point to the right
  130. 👆 Indicate above
  131. 👇 Indicate below
  132. ☝️ Index finger raised to accentuate the correctness of what we said
  133. ✋ Palm of the hand with joined fingers to indicate a feeling of closeness
  134. 🤚 Back of the hand with joined fingers to indicate a feeling of hostility
  135. 🖐 Palm of the hand with separate fingers to beat the 5 or indicate to stop
  136. 🖖 Vulcan greeting
  137. 👋 Greeting
  138. 🤙 Greeting of surfers
  139. 💪 Show the biceps
  140. 🖕 Middle finger raised (vaff * nculo)
  141. ✍️ Write
  142. 🙏 Give me five
  143. 🦶 Foot
  144. 🦵 Leg, thigh
  145. 💄 Lipstick
  146. 💋 Kiss
  147. 👄 half-open mouth, kiss
  148. 🦷 Tooth
  149. 👅 Language, Language
  150. 👂 Ear
  151. 👃 Nose
  152. 👣 Footprints
  153. 👁 Eye
  154. 👀 Eyes that spy
  155. 🧠 Brain
  156. 🗣 Figure speaking
  157. 👤 Figure in person
  158. 👥 Figures of people
  159. 👶 Newborn
  160. 👧 Child
  161. 🧒 Child
  162. 👦 Boy
  163. 👩 Girl
  164. 🧑 Young
  165. 👨 Boy with a mustache
  166. 👩‍🦱 Girl with curly hair
  167. 👨‍🦱 Young man with a mustache
  168. 👩‍🦰 Young woman
  169. 👨‍🦰 Man with a mustache
  170. 👱‍♀️ Woman
  171. 👱‍♂️ Man
  172. 👩‍🦳 Adult woman
  173. 👨‍🦳 Adult man
  174. 👩‍🦲 Boy bald
  175. 👨‍🦲 Bald man
  176. 🧔 Boy with a beard
  177. 👵 Grandmother
  178. 🧓 Elderly woman
  179. 👴 Grandfather, old man
  180. 👲 Chinese
  181. 👳‍♀️ Arabic
  182. 👳‍♂️ Arab with a beard
  183. 🧕 Muslim woman
  184. 👮‍♀️ Policewoman
  185. 👮‍♂️ Policeman
  186. 👷‍♀️ Female engineer
  187. 👷‍♂️ Man engineer
  188. 💂‍♀️ English soldier
  189. 💂‍♂️ Royal guard
  190. 🕵️‍♀️ Investigator
  191. 🕵️‍♂️ Investigator
  192. 👩‍⚕️ Doctor
  193. 👨‍⚕️ Doctor
  194. 👩‍🌾 Peasant
  195. 👨‍🌾 Farmer
  196. 👩‍🍳 Cook
  197. 👨‍🍳 Cook
  198. 👩‍🎓 Graduated
  199. 👨‍🎓 Graduate
  200. 👩‍🎤 Female singer
  201. 👨‍🎤 Singer
  202. 👩‍🏫 Female teacher
  203. 👨‍🏫 Teacher
  204. 👩‍🏭 Worker
  205. 👨‍🏭 Worker
  206. 👩‍💻 Programmer
  207. 👨‍💻 Programmer
  208. 👩‍💼 Female lawyer
  209. 👨‍💼 Lawyer
  210. 👩‍🔧 Woman mechanic
  211. 👨‍🔧 Mechanic
  212. 👩‍🔬 Scientist
  213. 👨‍🔬 Scientist
  214. 👩‍🎨 Painter
  215. 👨‍🎨 Painter
  216. 👩‍🚒 Firefighter woman
  217. 👨‍🚒 Firefighter
  218. 👩‍✈️ Female officer
  219. 👨‍✈️ Officer
  220. 👩‍🚀 Astronaut woman
  221. 👨‍🚀 Astronaut
  222. 👩‍⚖️ Female judge
  223. 👨‍⚖️ Judge
  224. 👰 Bride
  225. 🤵 Groom
  226. 👸 Princess
  227. 🤴 Prince
  228. 🦸‍♀️ Super heroine
  229. 🦸‍♂️ Super hero
  230. 🦹‍♀️ Masquerade
  231. 🦹‍♂️ Masked
  232. 🤶 Santa Claus woman
  233. 🎅 Santa Claus
  234. 🧙‍♀️ Witch
  235. 🧙‍♂️ Wizard, wizard
  236. 🧝‍♀️ Elf
  237. 🧝‍♂️ Elf
  238. 🧛‍♀️ Vampire
  239. 🧛‍♂️ Vampire
  240. 🧟‍♀️ Zombies woman
  241. 🧟‍♂️ Zombies
  242. 🧞‍♀️ Genius of the woman lamp
  243. 🧞‍♂️ Genius of the lamp
  244. 🧜‍♀️ Little mermaid, mermaid
  245. 🧜‍♂️ Little mermaid
  246. 🧚‍♀️ fairy, fairy
  247. Maschio male fairy
  248. 👼 Angel, angel, putto, cherub
  249. 🤰 Pregnant woman
  250. 🤱 Mom
  251. 🙇‍♀️ Sorry woman
  252. 🙇‍♂️ Sorry man
  253. 💁‍♀️ Woman with raised hand and palm facing up
  254. 💁‍♂️ Man with raised hand and palm facing up
  255. 🙅‍♀️ Woman crossing her arms in front of her face
  256. 🙅‍♂️ Man crossing his arms in front of his face
  257. 🙆‍♀️ Woman joining her arms over her head
  258. 🙆‍♂️ Man joining his arms over his head
  259. 🙋‍♀️ Woman saluting
  260. 🙋‍♂️ Man saluting
  261. 🤦‍♀️ Facepalm woman
  262. 🤦‍♂️ Facepalm man
  263. 🤷‍♀️ I don’t know, you want me to tell you woman
  264. 🤷‍♂️ I don’t know, what do you want me to tell you, man
  265. 🙎‍♀️ Woman
  266. 🙎‍♂️ Man
  267. 🙍‍♀️ Sad woman
  268. 🙍‍♂️ Sad man
  269. 💇‍♀️ Woman cutting her hair
  270. 💇‍♂️ Man cutting his hair
  271. 💆‍♀️ Woman having a massage
  272. 💆‍♂️ Man getting massaged
  273. 🧖‍♀️ Woman taking a bath
  274. 🧖‍♂️ Man taking a bath
  275. 💅 Nail polish, put the nail polish on
  276. 🤳 Use the smartphone
  277. 💃 Woman dancing
  278. 🕺 Man singing
  279. 👯‍♀️ Ballerinas 1
  280. 👯‍♂️ Ballerinas 2
  281. 🕴 Michael Jackson
  282. 🚶‍♀️ Woman walking
  283. 🚶‍♂️ Man walking
  284. 🏃‍♀️ Woman running
  285. 🏃‍♂️ Man running
  286. 👫 Woman and man holding hands
  287. 👭 Woman and woman holding hands
  288. 👬 Man and man holding hands
  289. 💑 Woman and man who love each other
  290. 👩‍❤️👩 Woman and woman who love each other
  291. 👨‍❤️‍👨 Man and man who love each other
  292. 💏 Woman and man kissing
  293. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 Woman and woman kissing
  294. 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 Man and man kissing
  295. 👪 Straight family with child
  296. 👨‍👩‍👧 Straight family with little girl
  297. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Straight family with a girl and a boy
  298. 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 Straight family with two daughters
  299. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 Straight family with two sons
  300. 👩‍👩‍👦 Family with Parent 1 woman and Parent 2 woman with child
  301. 👩‍👩‍👧 Family with Parent 1 woman and Parent 2 woman with girl
  302. 👩‍👩‍👧‍👦 Family with Parent 1 woman and Parent 2 woman with a girl and a boy
  303. 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 Family with Parent 1 woman and Parent 2 woman with two children
  304. 👩‍👩‍👧‍👧 Family with Parent 1 woman and Parent 2 woman with two girls
  305. 👨‍👨‍👦 Family with Parent 1 man and Parent 2 man with child
  306. 👨‍👨‍👧 Family with Parent 1 man and Parent 2 man with girl
  307. 👨‍👨‍👧‍👦 Family with Parent 1 man and Parent 2 man with a girl and a boy
  308. 👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 Family with Parent 1 man and Parent 2 man with two children
  309. 👨‍👨‍👧‍👧 Family with Parent 1 man and Parent 2 man with two girls
  310. 👩‍👦 Single mother with son
  311. 👩‍👧 Single mother with daughter
  312. 👩‍👧‍👦 Single mother with a baby girl and a baby boy
  313. 👩‍👦‍👦 Single mother with two children
  314. 👩‍👧‍👧 Single mother with two daughters
  315. 👨‍👦 Single father with one son
  316. 👨‍👧 Single father with one daughter
  317. 👨‍👧‍👦 Single father with one daughter and one son
  318. 👨‍👦‍👦 Single father with two daughters
  319. 👨‍👧‍👧 Single father with two daughters
  320. 🧶 Ball of yarn
  321. 🧵 Spool of thread
  322. 🧥 Coat
  323. 🥼 Shirts
  324. 👚 Dress
  325. 👕 T-shirt, t-shirt
  326. 👖 Jeans
  327. 👔 Shirt and tie, white collar
  328. 👗 Dress
  329. 👙 Swimsuit, bikini, underwear
  330. 👘 Kimono
  331. 🥿 Ballerinas
  332. 👠 Heeled shoes
  333. 👡 Wedges
  334. 👢 Boots
  335. 👞 Oxford shoes
  336. 👟 Sneakers, sneakers
  337. 🥾 Boots, amphibians
  338. 🧦 Socks
  339. 🧤 Gloves
  340. 🧣 Scarf
  341. 🎩 Elegant hat
  342. 🧢 Sports hat
  343. 👒 Straw hat
  344. 🎓 Graduation hat, touch
  345. ⛑ Nurse’s helmet
  346. 👑 Crown
  347. 💍 Ring with diamond
  348. 👝 Wallets
  349. 👛 Purse
  350. 👜 Bag
  351. 💼 Briefcase
  352. 🎒 Backpack
  353. 🧳 Trolley
  354. 👓 Eyeglasses
  355. 🕶 Sunglasses
  356. 🥽 Diving mask
  357. 🌂 Umbrella

Meaning WhatsApp emoticon animals and nature

  1. Dog
  2. 🐱 Cat
  3. 🐭 Mouse
  4. 🐹 Hamster
  5. 🐰 Rabbit
  6. 🦊 Fox
  7. 🐻 Bear
  8. 🐼 Emoji panda – Pandas are large mammals of black and white color. Their appearance makes them loving animals that each of us would like to cuddle all day. Hence the meaning of the panda-shaped WhatsApp emoticon, which represents a tender and cute person.
  9. 🐨 Koala
  10. 🐯 Tiger
  11. 🦁 Leo
  12. 🐮 Cow
  13. 🐷 Pig
  14. 🐽 Pig nose
  15. 🐸 Frog
  16. 🐵 Monkey
  17. 🙈 Monkey who does not see
  18. 🙉 Monkey who does not hear
  19. 🙊 Monkey that does not speak
  20. 🐒 Monkey
  21. 🐔 Chicken
  22. 🐧 Penguin
  23. 🐦 Bird
  24. 🐤 Chick
  25. 🐣 Chick in the egg
  26. 🐥 Chick
  27. 🦆 Duck
  28. 🦅 Eagle
  29. 🦉 Owl
  30. 🦇 Bat
  31. 🐺 Wolf
  32. 🐗 Wild boar
  33. 🐴 Horse
  34. 🦄 Unicorn
  35. 🐝 Bee
  36. 🐛 Caterpillar
  37. 🦋 Butterfly
  38. 🐌 Snail
  39. 🐚 Shell
  40. 🐞 Ladybird
  41. 🐜 Ant
  42. 🕷 Spider
  43. 🕸 Spider web
  44. 🐢 Turtle
  45. 🐍 Snake
  46. 🦎 Lizard
  47. 🦂 Scorpio
  48. 🦀 Crab
  49. 🦑 Octopus
  50. 🐙 Octopus
  51. 🦐 Shrimp
  52. 🐠 Tropical fish
  53. 🐟 Fish
  54. 🐡 Puffer fish
  55. 🐬 Dolphin
  56. 🦈 Shark
  57. 🐳 Fin whale
  58. 🐋 Whale
  59. 🐊 Crocodile
  60. 🐆 Leopard
  61. 🐅 Tiger
  62. 🐃 Buffalo
  63. 🐂 Ox
  64. 🐄 Cow
  65. 🦌 Deer
  66. 🐪 Dromedary
  67. 🐫 Camel
  68. 🐘 Elephant
  69. 🦏 Rhino
  70. 🦍 Gorilla
  71. 🐎 Horse
  72. 🐖 Pig
  73. 🐐 Goat
  74. 🐏 Aries
  75. 🐑 Sheep
  76. 🐕 Dog
  77. 🐩 Poodle
  78. 🐈 Cat
  79. 🐓 Rooster
  80. 🦃 Turkey
  81. 🕊 Dove with olive tree
  82. 🐇 Rabbit
  83. 🐁 Mouse
  84. 🐀 Rat
  85. 🐿 Squirrel
  86. 🐾 Dog footprints
  87. 🐉 Dragon
  88. 🐲 Dragon head
  89. 🌵 Cactus
  90. 🎄 Christmas tree
  91. 🌲 Pine
  92. 🌳 Tree with thick crown
  93. 🌴 Palma
  94. 🌱 Map
  95. 🌿 Tuft of grass
  96. ☘️ Clover
  97. 🍀 Four-leaf clover
  98. 🎍 Bamboo in the vase
  99. 🎋 Chinese bamboo
  100. 🍃 Leaves flying
  101. 🍂 Falling leaves
  102. 🍁 Autumn leaf
  103. 🍄 Mushroom
  104.  🌾 Ear
  105. 💐 Bunch of flowers
  106. 🌷 Tulip
  107. 🌹 Rosa
  108. 🥀 Withered flower
  109. 🌻 Sunflower
  110. 🌼 Flower
  111. 🌸 Hibiscus
  112. 🌺 Cherry blossom
  113. 🌎 America
  114. 🌍 Europe-Africa
  115. 🌏 Asia-Australia
  116. 🌕 Full moon
  117. 🌖 Waning gibbous moon
  118. 🌗 Last quarter moon
  119. 🌘 Waning moon
  120. 🌑 New moon
  121. Crescente Crescent moon
  122. 🌓 First quarter moon
  123. 🌔 Luca gibbosa growing
  124. 🌚 New moon face
  125. 🌝 Full moon emoticon
  126. 🌞 Sun emoticon
  127. 🌛 First quarter moon face
  128. 🌜 Last quarter moon face
  129. Crescente Crescent moon
  130. 💫 Shooting star
  131. ⭐️ Stella
  132. 🌟 Shining star
  133. ✨ Little stars
  134. ⚡️ Lightning
  135. 🔥 Fire
  136. 💥 Burst
  137. ☄️ Comet
  138. ☀️ Sunny
  139. 🌤 Sunny with some clouds
  140. ⛅️ Sun and clouds
  141. 🌥 Cloudy with a chance of bright spells
  142. 🌦 Sunny with rainfall
  143. 🌈 Rainbow
  144. ☁️ Cloudy
  145. 🌧 Rain
  146. ⛈ Thunderstorm with lightning and rain
  147. 🌩 Lightning storm
  148. 🌨 Snow
  149. ☃️ Snowman with snow
  150. ⛄️ Snowman
  151. ❄️ Snowflake
  152. 💨 Wind emoticon
  153. 🌬 Wind
  154. 🌪 Tornado
  155. 🌫 Fog
  156. 🌊 Waves
  157. 💧 Drop of water
  158. 💦 Drops of water
  159. ☔️ Umbrella with rain

Meaning WhatsApp sport emoticon

  1. Football
  2. 🏀 Basketball
  3. 🏈 Rugby
  4. ⚾ Baseball
  5. 🎾 Tennis
  6. 🏐 Volleyball
  7. 🏉 American football
  8. 🎱 Billiards
  9. 🏓 Ping pong
  10. 🏸 Badminton
  11. 🥅 Hockey
  12. 🏒 Ice hockey
  13. 🏑 Field hockey
  14. 🏏 Cricket
  15. ⛳ Golf
  16. 🏹 Archery
  17. 🎣 Fishing
  18. 🥊 Boxing
  19. 🥋 Karate
  20. ⛸️ Ice skating
  21. 🎿 Skis and boots
  22. ⛷️ Skier
  23. 🏂 Snowboarder
  24. 🏋️‍♀️ Weight lifter
  25. 🏋️‍♂️ Weight lifter
  26. 🤺 Fencer
  27. 🤼‍♀️ Women doing wrestling
  28. 🤼‍♂️ Men doing wrestling
  29. 🤸‍♀️ Woman doing the wheel
  30. 🤸‍♂️ Man doing the wheel
  31. ⛹️‍♀️ Woman playing basketball
  32. ⛹️ Man playing basketball
  33. 🤾‍♀️ Woman playing handball
  34. 🤾‍♂️ Man playing handball
  35. 🏌️‍♀️ Woman playing golf
  36. 🏌️ Man playing golf
  37. 🏄‍♀️ Woman surfing
  38. 🏄 Man surfing
  39. 🏊‍♀️ Woman swimming
  40. 🏊 Man who new
  41. 🤽‍♀️ Woman playing water polo
  42. 🤽‍♂️ Man playing water polo
  43. 🚣‍♀️ Woman sailing
  44. 🚣 Man going on a boat
  45. 🏇 Jockey
  46. 🚴‍♀️ Woman riding a bicycle
  47. 🚴 Man riding a bicycle
  48. 🚵‍♀️ Woman who rides a mountain bike
  49. 🚵‍♂️ Man riding a mountain bike
  50. 🎽 Tank top
  51. 🏅 Sports medal
  52. 🎖️ Military medal
  53. 🥇 Gold medal
  54. 🥈 Silver medal
  55. 🥉 Bronze medal
  56. 🏆 Trophy
  57. 🏵️ Cockade
  58. 🎗️ Ribbon
  59. 🎟️ Ticket
  60. 🎫 Entrance ticket
  61. 🎪 Circus tent
  62. 🤹‍♀️ Woman juggler
  63. 🤹‍♂️ Man juggler
  64. 🎭 Theater masks
  65. 🎨 Color palette
  66. 🎬 Clapperboard
  67. 🎤 Microphone
  68. 🎧 Headphones
  69. 🎼 Musical score
  70. 🎹 Music keyboard
  71. 🥁 Drum
  72. 🎷 Saxophone
  73. 🎺 Trumpet
  74. 🎸 Guitar
  75. 🎻 Violin
  76. 🎲 Nut
  77. 🎯 Darts
  78. 🎳 Bowling
  79. 🎮 Joystick
  80. 🎰 Slot machine

Meaning WhatsApp emoticon vehicles and places

  1. Minicar
  2. 🚕 Taxi
  3. 🚙 Automobile
  4. 🚌 Bus
  5. 🚎 Tram
  6.  🏎️ Race car
  7. 🚓 Police car
  8. 🚑 Ambulance
  9. 🚒 Fire truck
  10. 🚐 Minibus
  11. 🚚 Shipping truck
  12. 🚛 Tir
  13. 🚜 Tractor
  14. 🛴 Scooter
  15. 🚲 Bicycle
  16. 🛵 Scooter
  17. 🏍️ Motorcycle
  18. 🚨 Flashing
  19. 🚔 Police car on arrival
  20. 🚍 Bus arriving
  21. 🚘 Machine arriving
  22. 🚖 Taxi arriving
  23. 🚡 Gondola
  24. 🚠 Gondola lift
  25. 🚟 Railway suspended
  26. 🚃 Train carriage
  27. 🚋 Tram
  28. 🚞 Railway
  29. 🚝 Monorail
  30. 🚄 High speed train 1
  31. 🚅 High speed train 2
  32. 🚈 Train
  33. 🚂 Steam train
  34. 🚆 Train arriving
  35. 🚇 Metro coming soon
  36. 🚊 Tram arriving
  37. 🚉 Station
  38. 🚁 Helicopter
  39. 🛩 Jet
  40. ✈️ Airplane
  41. 🛫 Airplane taking off
  42. 🛬 Airplane landing
  43. 🚀 Rocket
  44. 🛰 Satellite
  45. 💺 Seat
  46. 🛶 Canoeing
  47. ⛵️ Sailboat
  48. 🛥 Motor boat
  49. 🚤 Motorboat
  50. 🛳 Passenger ship
  51. ⛴ Ferry
  52. 🚢 Ship
  53. ⚓ Again
  54. 🚧 Work in progress sign
  55. ⛽ Petrol pump
  56. 🚏 Bus stop
  57. 🚦 Vertical traffic light
  58. 🚥 Horizontal traffic light
  59. 🗺️ Map
  60. 🗿 Moai statue
  61. 🗽 Statue of liberty
  62. ⛲ Fountain
  63. 🗼 Tokyo tower
  64. 🏰 Castle
  65. 🏯 Japanese castle
  66. 🏟️ Stadium
  67. 🎡 Ferris wheel
  68. 🎢 Roller coaster
  69. 🎠 Carousel horse
  70. ⛱️ Parasol
  71. 🏖️ Beach with umbrella
  72. 🏝️ Deserted island
  73. ⛰️ Mountain
  74. 🏔️ Mountain with snowy peak
  75. 🗻 Mount Fuji
  76. 🌋 Volcano
  77. 🏜 Desert
  78. 🏕️ Camping
  79. ⛺ Camping tent
  80. 🛤️ Rails
  81. 🛣️ Highway
  82. 🏗️ Crane
  83. 🏭 Factory
  84. 🏠 Home
  85. 🏡 House with garden
  86. 🏘️ Block of flats
  87. 🏚️ Abandoned house
  88. 🏢 Office building
  89. 🏬 Department store
  90. 🏣 Japanese post office
  91. 🏤 Post office
  92. 🏥 Hospital
  93. 🏦 Bank
  94. 🏨 Hotel
  95. 🏪 Convenience store
  96. 🏫 School
  97. 🏩 Motel
  98. 💒 Church of the spouses
  99. 🏛️ Greek Roman building
  100. ⛪ Church
  101. 🕌 Mosque
  102. 🕍 Synagogue
  103. 🕋 Kaaba
  104. ⛩️ Shinto Shrine
  105. 🗾 Framework with map of Japan
  106. 🎴Picture with moon
  107. 🏞 Framework with national park
  108. 🌅 Framework with sunrise
  109. 🌄 Painting with sunrise behind the mountains
  110. 🌠 Framework with shooting star
  111. 🎆 Framework with meteor
  112. 🎇 Framework with firework
  113. 🌇 Painting with sunrise behind the city
  114. 🌆 Painting with sunset behind the city
  115. 🏙️ Painting with city by day
  116. 🌃 Painting with night city
  117. 🌌 Framework with Milky Way
  118. 🌉 Framework with bridge
  119. 🌁 Framework with bridge behind the fog

Meaning emoticon WhatsApp objects

  1. Apple Watch
  2. 📱 iPhone
  3. 📲 iPhone with arrow
  4. 💻 Laptop
  5. ⌨️ Keyboard
  6. Fisso Desktop computer
  7. 🖨️ Printer
  8. 🖱️ Mouse
  9. 🖲️ Trackball
  10. 🕹️ Joystick
  11. 🗜️ Clamp
  12. 💽 CD with case
  13. 💾 Floppy disk
  14. 💿 CD
  15. 📀 DVD
  16. 📼 Videotape
  17. 📷 Camera
  18. 📸 Camera with flash
  19. 📹 Video camera
  20. 🎥 Cinema video camera
  21. 📽️ Projector
  22. 🎞️ Film film
  23. 📞 Cornet
  24. ☎️ Telephone
  25. 📟 Pager
  26. 📠 Fax
  27. 📺 TV
  28. 📻 Radio
  29. 🎙️ Microphone
  30. 🎚️ Audio slider
  31. 🎛️ Control knobs
  32. ⏱️ Pocket watch
  33. ⏲️ Timer
  34. ⏰ Modern table clock
  35. 🕰️ Antique table clock
  36. ⌛ Empty hourglass
  37. ⏳ Full hourglass
  38. 📡 Parable
  39. 🔋 Stack
  40. 🔌 Electrical plug
  41. 💡 Bulb
  42. 🔦 Torch
  43. 🕯️ Candle
  44. 🗑️ Trash
  45. 🛢️ Barrel
  46. 💸 Dollar bills with wings
  47. 💵 Dollar banknotes
  48. 💴 Yen banknotes
  49. 💶 Euro banknotes
  50. 💷 Pound banknotes
  51. 💰 Bag with money
  52. 💳 Credit card
  53. 💎 Diamond
  54. ⚖️ Libra
  55. 🔧 Wrench
  56. 🔨 Hammer
  57. ⚒️ Hammer and pickaxe
  58. 🛠️ Hammer and wrench
  59. ⛏️ Pickaxe
  60. 🔩 Bolt with nut
  61. ⚙️ Gear
  62. ⛓️ Chains
  63. 🔫 Water gun
  64. 💣 Bomb
  65. 🔪 Knife
  66. 🗡️ Dagger
  67. ⚔️ Crossed swords
  68. 🛡️ Shield
  69. 🚬 Cigarette
  70. ⚰️ Dead chest
  71. ⚱️ Cinerary urn
  72. 🏺 Amphora
  73. 🔮 Magic sphere
  74. 📿 Rosary
  75. 💈 Barber pole
  76. ⚗️ Alembic
  77. 🔭 Telescope
  78. 🔬 Microscope
  79. 🕳 Hole
  80. 💊 Pad
  81. 💉 Syringe
  82. 🌡Termometro
  83. 🚽 Water
  84. 🚰 Drinking water
  85. 🚿 Shower head
  86. 🛁 Bath tub
  87. 🛀 Person who takes a bath
  88. 🛎 Doorbell
  89. 🔑 Key
  90. 🗝 Ancient key
  91. 🚪 Wooden door
  92. 🛋 Sofa with lamp
  93. 🛏 Bed
  94. 🛌 Person in bed
  95. 🖼 Framework
  96. 🛍 Bags
  97. 🛒 Shopping cart
  98. 🎁 Gift pack
  99. 🎈 Balloon
  100. 🎏 Koi wind socks
  101. 🎀 Pink bow
  102. 🎊 Ball of confetti
  103. 🎉 Cone with confetti and streamers
  104. 🎎 Japanese dolls
  105. 🏮 Red paper lantern
  106. 🎐 Wind bell
  107. ✉️ Letter
  108. 📩 Letter with arrow
  109. 📨 Incoming letter
  110. 📧 Email
  111. 💌 Love letter
  112. 📥 Incoming message
  113. 📤 Outgoing message
  114. 📦 Box
  115. 🏷 Nameplate
  116. 📪 Closed mailbox with lowered bar
  117. 📫 Closed mailbox with raised shaft
  118. 📬 Open mailbox with raised shaft
  119. 📭 Opened mailbox with rod down
  120. 📮 PO Box
  121. 📯 Postal horn
  122. 📜 Parchment
  123. 📃 Rolled sheet
  124. 📄 Sheet with fold
  125. 📑 Sheets with bookmark
  126. 📊 Bar chart
  127. 📈 Graph of increase
  128. 📉 Graph of decrease
  129. 🗒 Notepad with sign
  130. 🗓 Calendar with sign
  131. 📆 Daily calendar with sign
  132. 📅 Daily calendar
  133. 📇 Card insertion
  134. 🗃 Archive for sheets
  135. 🗳 Archive for letters
  136. 🗄 Archive
  137. 📋 Notebook for notes
  138. 📁 Folder for files
  139. 📂 Open file folder
  140. 🗂 Folders for sheets with divider
  141. 🗞 Rolled newspaper
  142. 📰 Newspaper
  143. 📓 Personalized notebook
  144. 📔 Notebook
  145. 📒 Collector
  146. 📕 Red book
  147. 📗 Green paper
  148. 📘 Blue book
  149. 📙 Orange book
  150. 📚 Stack of books
  151. 📖 Open book
  152. 🔖 Bookmark
  153. 🔗 Rings
  154. 📎 Paperclip
  155. 🖇 Staples
  156. 📐 Team
  157. 📏 Ruler
  158. 📌 Thumbtack
  159. 📍 Round stylus
  160. ✂️ Scissor
  161. 🖊 Pen
  162. 🖋 Fountain pen to the left
  163. ✒️ Fountain pen to the right
  164. 🖌 Brush
  165. 🖍 Highlighter
  166. 📝 Sheet written in pencil
  167. ✏️ Pencil
  168. 🔍 Magnifying glass to the left
  169. 🔎 Magnifying glass to the right
  170. 🔏 Padlock with pen
  171. 🔐 Padlock with key
  172. 🔒 Padlock closed
  173. 🔓 Padlock open

Meaning WhatsApp emoticon symbols

  1. Red heart
  2. 🧡 Orange heart
  3. 💛 Yellow heart
  4. 💚 Green heart
  5. 💙 Blue heart
  6. 💜 Purple heart
  7. 🖤 ​​Black heart
  8. 💔 Broken heart
  9. ❣️ Exclamation point in the shape of a heart
  10. 💕 Flying hearts
  11. 💞 Rotating hearts
  12. 💓 Heart beating
  13. 💗 Heart that throbs
  14. 💖 Heart with little stars
  15. 💘 Cupid’s heart
  16. 💝 Heart with bow
  17. 💟 Heart
  18. ☮️ Peace symbol
  19. ✝️ Latin cross
  20. ☪️ Islamic crescent
  21. 🕉 Om
  22. ☸️ Wheel of Dharma
  23. ✡️ Star of David
  24. 🔯 Six-pointed star
  25. 🕎 Seven-branched candlestick
  26. ☯️ Ying and Yang
  27. ☦️ Orthodox cross
  28. 🛐 Place of worship
  29. ⛎ Ophiuchus symbol (of healing and renewal), also called the thirteenth zodiac sign
  30. ♈️ Zodiac symbol of Aries
  31. ♉️ Zodiac symbol of Taurus
  32. ♊️ Zodiac symbol of Gemini
  33. ♋️ Zodiac symbol of Cancer
  34. ♌️ Zodiac symbol of Leo
  35. ♍️ Zodiacal symbol of the virgin
  36. ♎️ Zodiac symbol of Libra
  37. ♏️ Zodiac symbol of Scorpio
  38. ♐️ Zodiac symbol of Sagittarius
  39. ♑️ Zodiac symbol of Capricorn
  40. ♒️ Zodiac symbol of Aquarius
  41. ♓️ Zodiac symbol of Pisces
  42. 🆔 Identification number
  43. ⚛️ Symbol of the atom
  44. 🉑 Japanese symbol indicating “I accept”
  45. ☢️ Radioactive symbol
  46. ☣️ Symbol of the musical group Biohazard
  47. 📴 Telephone switched off
  48. 📳 Vibrating phone
  49. 🈶 Japanese symbol indicating “paid”
  50. 🈚️ Japanese symbol indicating “free”
  51. 🈸 Japanese symbol indicating “application”
  52. 🈺 Japanese symbol indicating “open for business”
  53. 🈷️ Japanese symbol indicating “monthly amount”
  54. ✴️ Button with eight-pointed star
  55. 🆚 VS / versus / contro key
  56. 💮 White and pink flower with writing
  57. 🉐
  58. ㊙️
  59. ㊗️
  60. 🈴
  61. 🈵
  62. 🈹
  63. 🈲
  64. 🅰️ Red button with letter A
  65. 🅱️ Red button with letters B
  66. 🆎 Red button with letters AB
  67. 🆑 Red button with letters CL
  68. 🅾️ Red button with letter O
  69. 🆘 SOS / danger button
  70. ❌ Red cross
  71. ⭕️ Red circle
  72. 🛑 Stop sign
  73. ⛔️ Access prohibited
  74. 📛 Name plate
  75. 🚫 Prohibition of access
  76. 💯 Symbol for 100 points
  77. 💢 Symbol of anger
  78. ♨️ Thermal spring
  79. 🚷 Forbidden to pedestrians
  80. 🚯 It is forbidden to throw waste
  81. 🚳 Forbidden to bicycles
  82. 🚱 Non-potable water
  83. 🔞 Forbidden to minors
  84. 📵 It is forbidden to keep the smartphone switched on
  85. 🚭 No smoking
  86. ❗️ Red exclamation mark
  87. ❕ White exclamation mark
  88. ❓ Red question mark
  89. ❔ White question mark
  90. ‼ ️ Double red exclamation mark
  91. ⁉️ Exclamation mark and red question mark
  92. 🔅 Minimum brightness symbol
  93. 🔆 Maximum brightness symbol
  94. 〽️ Symbol that in Chinese musical language indicates the beginning of a song
  95. ⚠️ Attention, danger
  96. 🚸 Attention, passage of children
  97. 🔱 Trident
  98. ⚜️ Lily
  99. 🔰 Japanese symbol for beginners
  100. ♻️ Recycling symbol
  101. ✅ Green button indicating OK, confirmed
  102. 🈯️ Japanese symbol indicating “reserved”
  103. 💹 Increase in the stock market yaun
  104. ❇️ Green button with white spark
  105. ✳️ Green button with white 8-pointed asterisk
  106. ❎ Green button with white X.
  107. 🌐 Mirror sphere
  108. 💠 Rhombus with dot in the center
  109. Ⓜ️ Blue round button with white M
  110. 🌀 Cyclone
  111. 💤 Sleep symbol
  112. 🏧 ATMs
  113. 🚾 WC
  114. ♿️ Person in a wheelchair
  115. 🅿️ Parking
  116. 🈳 Not busy
  117. 🈂️ Free
  118. 🛂 Checking documents by the police
  119. 🛃 Checked baggage by the customs police
  120. 🛄 Baggage
  121. 🛅 Luggage storage
  122. 🚹 WC for men
  123. 🚺 WC for women
  124. 🚼 Baby toilet
  125. 🚻 WC
  126. 🚮 Trash
  127. 🎦 Button indicating a video camera
  128. 📶 Icon indicating the strength of the telephone signal
  129. 🈁 Japanese symbol that reads “koko” and means “here”
  130. 🔣 Multifunction button
  131. ℹ️ Key with an “i” shown, indicates a box or an information section
  132. 🔤 Key with letters a, b, c in lower case
  133. 🔡 Key with letters a, b, c, d in lower case
  134. 🔠 Key with capital letters A, B, C, D
  135. 🆖 Emoticon “NG” which means “no good”, or “not good”
  136. 🆗 Button with “OK” writing
  137. 🆙 Button with “UP!”
  138. 🆒 Key with “COOL” writing
  139. 🆕 Button with “NEW” writing
  140. 🆓 Button with “FREE” writing
  141. 0⃣ Number 0
  142. 1⃣ Number 1
  143. 2⃣ Number 2
  144. 3⃣ Number 3
  145. 4⃣ Number 4
  146. 5⃣ Number 5
  147. 6⃣ Number 6
  148. 7⃣ Number 7
  149. 8⃣ Number 8
  150. 9⃣ Number 9
  151. 🔟 Number 10
  152. 🔢 Button with number 1, 2, 3, 4
  153. # ⃣ Pound key
  154. * ⃣ Asterisk key
  155. ⏏️ Extract button
  156. ▶ ️ Play / start button
  157. ⏸ Pause button
  158. ⏯ Multifunction start / pause button
  159. ⏹ Stop button
  160. ⏺ Record button
  161. ⏭ Fast forward button
  162. ⏮ Fast reverse button
  163. ⏩ Forward button
  164. ⏪ Back button
  165. ⏫ Double up arrow
  166. ⏬ Double down arrow
  167. ◀ ️ Button with triangle to the left
  168. 🔼 Button with triangle facing up
  169. 🔽 Button with triangle facing down
  170. ➡️ Arrow to the right
  171. ⬅️ Arrow to the left
  172. ⬆️ Up arrow
  173. ⬇️ Down arrow
  174. ↗️ Arrow pointing to the top right
  175. ↘️ Arrow pointing to the bottom right
  176. ↙️ Arrow pointing down left
  177. ↖️ Arrow pointing to the top left
  178. ↕️ Arrow with double point, both up and down
  179. ↔️ Double-headed arrow, both left and right
  180. ↪️ Curved arrow pointing to the bottom right
  181. ↩️ Curved arrow pointing down left
  182. ⤴️ Curved arrow pointing up
  183. ⤵️ Curved arrow pointing down
  184. 🔀 Random or random play symbol
  185. 🔁 Repeat button
  186. 🔂 Repeat key once

Meaning WhatsApp emoticon flags

  1. White flag
  2. Black flag
  3. Checkered flag
  4. Red triangle flag
  5. Peace flag
  6. Afghanistan flag
  7. Aland Islands flag
  8. Albania flag
  9. Algeria flag
  10. American Samoa flag
  11. Andorra flag
  12. Angola flag
  13. Ascension Island flag
  14. Antarctica flag
  15. Antigua and Barbuda flag
  16. Argentina flag
  17. Armenia flag
  18. Aruba flag
  19. Australia flag
  20. Austria flag
  21. Azerbaijan flag
  22. Bahamas flag
  23. Bahrain flag
  24. Bangladesh flag
  25. Barbados flag
  26. Belarusian flag
  27. Belgium flag
  28. Belize flag
  29. Benin flag
  30. Bermuda flag
  31. Bhutan flag
  32. Bolivia flag
  33. Bosnia & Herzegovina flag
  34. Botswana flag
  35. Brazil flag
  36. British Indian Ocean Territory Flag
  37. British Virgin Islands flag
  38. Brunei flag
  39. Bulgaria flag
  40. Burkina Faso flag
  41. Burundi flag
  42. Cambodia flag
  43. Cameroon flag
  44. Canada flag
  45. Canary Islands flag
  46. Cape Verde flag
  47. Caribbean Netherlands flag
  48. Cayman Islands flag
  49. Central African Republic flag
  50. Chad flag
  51. Chile flag
  52. China flag
  53. Christmas Island flag
  54. Cocos Islands flag
  55. Colombia flag
  56. Comoros flag
  57. Republic of the Congo flag
  58. Democratic Republic of the Congo flag
  59. Cook Islands flag
  60. Costa Rica flag
  61. Ivory Coast flag
  62. Croatia flag
  63. Cuba flag
  64. Curacao flag
  65. Cyprus flag
  66. Czech Republic flag
  67. Denmark flag
  68. Djibouti flag
  69. Dominica flag
  70. Dominican Republic flag
  71. Ecuador flag
  72. Egypt flag
  73. El Salvador flag
  74. Equatorial Guinea flag
  75. Eritrea flag
  76. Estonia flag
  77. Ethiopia flag
  78. European Union flag
  79. Falkland Islands flag
  80. Faroe Islands flag
  81. Fiji flag
  82. Finland flag
  83. France flag
  84. French Guiana flag
  85. Polynesia flag
  86. French Southern and Antarctic Lands flag
  87. Gabon flag
  88. Gambia flag
  89. Georgia flag
  90. Germany flag
  91. Ghana flag
  92. Gibraltar flag
  93. Greece flag
  94. Greenland flag
  95. Granada flag
  96. Guadeloupe flag
  97. Guam flag
  98. Guatemala flag
  99. Guarnsey flag
  100. Guinea flag
  101. Guinea-Bissau flag
  102. Guyana flag
  103. Haiti flag
  104. Honduras flag
  105. Hong Kong flag
  106. Hungary flag
  107. Iceland flag
  108. India flag
  109. Indonesia flag
  110. Iran flag
  111. Iraq flag
  112. Ireland flag
  113. Isle of Man flag
  114. Israel flag
  115. Italy flag
  116. Jamaica flag
  117. Japanese flag
  118. Two Japanese flags
  119. Bailiwick flag of Jersey
  120. Jordan flag
  121. Kazakhstan flag
  122. Kenya flag
  123. Kiribati flag
  124. Kosovo flag
  125. Kuwait flag
  126. Kyrgyzstan flag
  127. Laos flag
  128. Latvia flag
  129. Lebanon flag
  130. Lesotho flag
  131. Liberia flag
  132. Libya flag
  133. Liechtenstein flag
  134. Lithuania flag
  135. Luxembourg flag
  136. Macau flag
  137. Macedonia flag
  138. Madagascar flag
  139. Malawi flag
  140. Malaysia flag
  141. Maldives flag
  142. Mali flag
  143. Malta flag
  144. Marshall Islands flag
  145. Martinique flag
  146. Mauritania flag
  147. Mauritius flag
  148. Mayotte flag
  149. Mexico flag
  150. Micronesia flag
  151. Moldova flag
  152. Monaco flag
  153. Mongolia flag
  154. Montenegro flag
  155. Montserrat flag
  156. Morocco flag
  157. Mozambique flag
  158. Burma flag
  159. Namibia flag
  160. Nauru flag
  161. Nepal flag
  162. Holland flag
  163. New Caledonia flag
  164. New Zealand flag
  165. Nicaragua flag
  166. Niger flag
  167. Nigeria flag
  168. Niue flag
  169. Norfolk Island flag
  170. North Korea flag
  171. Northern Mariana Islands flag
  172. Norway flag
  173. Oman flag
  174. Pakistan flag
  175. Palau flag
  176. Palestine flag
  177. Panama flag
  178. Papua New Guinea flag
  179. Paraguay flag
  180. Peru flag
  181. Philippines flag
  182. Pitcairn Islands flag
  183. Poland flag
  184. Portugal flag
  185. Puerto Rico flag
  186. Qatar flag
  187. Meeting flag
  188. Romania flag
  189. Russia flag
  190. Rwanda flag
  191. Samoa flag
  192. San Marino flag
  193. São Tomé and Príncipe flag
  194. Saudi Arabia flag
  195. Senegal flag
  196. Serbia flag
  197. Seychelles flag
  198. Sierra Leone flag
  199. Singapore flag
  200. Sint Maarten flag
  201. Slovakia flag
  202. Slovenia flag
  203. South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands flag
  204. Solomon Islands flag
  205. Somalia flag
  206. South Africa flag
  207. South Korea flag
  208. South Sudan flag
  209. Spain flag
  210. Sri Lanka flag
  211. Saint-Barthélemy flag
  212. Saint Helena flag
  213. Saint Kitts and Nevis flag
  214. Saint Lucia flag
  215. Saint-Pierre and Miquelon flag
  216. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines flag
  217. Sudan flag
  218. Suriname flag
  219. Swaziland flag
  220. Sweden flag
  221. Swiss flag
  222. Syria flag
  223. Taiwan flag
  224. Tajikistan flag
  225. Tanzania flag
  226. Thailand flag
  227. East Timor flag
  228. Togo flag
  229. Tokelau flag
  230. Tonga flag
  231. Trinidad and Tobago flag
  232. Tunisia flag
  233. Turkey flag
  234. Turkmenistan flag
  235. Turks and Caicos flag
  236. Tuvalu flag
  237. US Virgin Islands flag
  238. Uganda flag
  239. Ukrainian flag
  240. United Arab Emirates flag
  241. United Kingdom flag
  242. United States of America flag
  243. Uruguay flag
  244. Uzbekistan flag
  245. Vanuatu flag
  246. Vatican City flag
  247. Venezuela flag
  248. Vietnam flag
  249. Wallis and Futuna flag
  250. Western Sahara Flag
  251. Yemen flag
  252. Zambia flag
  253. Zimbabwe flag
  254. England flag
  255. Scotland flag
  256. Wales flag
  257. Texas flag

How to add emoticons to WhatsApp

WhatsApp includes many smileys for every taste and occasion. Despite this, however, there are many users who want to add WhatsApp emoticons to the application. If you are also one of these, you are in the right place.

Fortunately for you, adding symbols and smileys to WhatsApp is simple, and you can do it on both Android smartphones and iPhones


How to have new WhatsApp 2020 emojis

The WhatsApp development team is always working to provide us users with the best user experience. This does not only mean updates to improve the stability and security of the system, but also the introduction of features that allow us to take advantage of all the features offered by the application. Among these, we cannot fail to mention the new emoticons, which are renewed and added to those previously released.

Are you wondering how to get the new WhatsApp emoticons? Simple! All you need is the latest version of the app. To update WhatsApp, and then download new smileys, symbols and emojis, go to the Store of your smartphone and check for updates. In case there is a new version, do not hesitate to proceed with the download. By doing this you can be sure to always have the new WhatsApp emoticons.

How to change color to WhatsApp emoticons

For some time now the messaging application allows you to change the color of the WhatsApp emoticons. The operation is very simple. To change the skin color of the WhatsApp emojis, all you have to do is perform a long tap on the emoticon concerned: at the same time, a menu will appear through which we can choose the desired ethnic group. If you are interested in the topic, I advise you not to miss this insight.

How to use emoticons on Facebook

For some time emoticons and emojis have also landed on the social network branded Mark Zuckerberg. Just as we have already seen on WhatsApp, even on Facebook, smileys can be used to embellish and enrich the meaning and post comments.


Using them is very simple and does not require any particular procedure or competence: both from a PC and from an iPhone or Android smartphone it is sufficient to click the icon with the smiley face to open the entire list of emojis available to us. Once the desired one is found, all you have to do is select it and press send. Nothing could be easier, don’t you think?

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Gadget Modder
Born as techie and was always focused on Android, ever since the HTC Dream was introduced. The abundance of options at his disposal in the open-source environment always seemed to pique his interest. "Blogger by choice, MBA by trade."