Home How To Guide: Extraneum 100% Achievements

Guide: Extraneum 100% Achievements

Extraneum offers players a rich experience of challenges and achievements that keep them engaged, entertained and returning to the game for more. In this article, we take a deep dive into the Extraneum 100% Achievements Guide, offering players all the information needed to unlock and obtain each milestone within the game.

Extraneum 100% Achievements

Extraneum Achievements Guide

Check that off the backlog

You’ll get this trophy as soon as you start the game. It’s easy, right?

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Sushi time!

Sushi time!

Flayer spawn are jellyfish-like creatures that can be killed with a knife or chainsaw. They are also very weak, so puncturing them with a knife will kill them quickly.

Match point

Match point

When using the grenade launcher, it can be effective to fire the projectile at a nearby wall. This will cause it to bounce off the surface and onto your target. This technique is especially useful against low-level enemies, who can be killed with one shot from this weapon. The associated achievement will be awarded for successfully killing five enemies with grenades in this manner.

Where’s Wal-d’oh!

Where’s Wal-d’oh!

The game developer has stated that there is a 1 in 1000 chance of each enemy dropping this item upon elimination. If you play regularly and manage to defeat every enemy in the game, you will eventually achieve this accomplishment when it is released in full. If not, you can replay specific levels until you unlock the achievement.


Depending on the level, you may find data disks containing additional lore or information about the enemies. For this achievement, you will only need to find one of these data disks. The video provided below shows the location of a data disk in E1M3, courtesy of Rex705Gaming.

Not my problem

Not my problem

Earn the achievement “AFK Forever” by going AFK (Away From Keyboard) for 15 minutes on the first level of the game. During this time, you can take a break to make a sandwich or attend to other tasks. It’s important to emphasize that this must be done on the first level exclusively, and you must remain within the initial room of the game without exiting. Essentially, you just need to do nothing during this time.

Balls of steel

Balls of steel

To successfully defeat the boss, I suggest using the lowest difficulty setting. Engage the boss using conventional methods until its health is significantly depleted. When you believe it’s sufficiently low, switch to the chainsaw to deliver the final blow. If you’re having trouble locating the chainsaw, it can be found in a secret location within E1MA–as demonstrated in this video by Sakurazoku:

Tis but a scratch

Tis but a scratch

This task might present some challenges, so I suggest tackling it in the lowest difficulty setting. By employing a strategy involving the use of grenades to inflict self-damage and intentionally getting hit by enemies towards the end of a level, you can reduce your health to just 1 hit point. This may require several attempts, but once you’ve achieved this it should unlock immediately.

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