How to disable message requests on Instagram

When someone you don’t follow up on Instagram tries to send you a message, you will receive one message request in the relevant section of your inbox. Often and sadly, most of these requests involve spam messages, which contain potentially malicious links. So if you don’t want to be bothered by such requests, here’s how to turn them off easily!

Instagram: how to disable message requests

Since Facebook proceeded to integrate Messenger with Instagram’s Direct Message, it has brought many new features to the platform, including chat themes, reactions, custom emojis, and more. Along with all this, u too a very useful setting to disable requests for messages from unknown or untracked accounts.

To disable the function of requesting messages on Instagram, it will be enough to follow the steps below:

  • Open the app Instagram on your smartphone;
  • Tap now your profile picture in the lower right corner of the screen;
  • On your profile page, tap the hamburger menu in the top right corner, and from the pop-up menu, choose the item Settings;
  • On the settings screen, tap then Privacy and looking for the option later Messages;
  • Now scroll down to locate the section Other people and choose Others on Instagram;
  • Touch the item now Do not receive requests to completely disable the requests for messages on Instagram.

That’s all! This way you will never again receive requests for messages from unknown accounts e only those you follow on Instagram they will be able to send you private messages.

Any unknown account that tries to send you a private message will display the wording The user cannot receive your message