How to enable dark theme in Google Chrome for Android

Google has finally heard the pleas of many users and implemented a dark theme in its Chrome browser version 74 for Android. However, just go into the browser settings and turn it on, unfortunately, until you succeed, since the switch is in hidden additional settings that are targeted at developers. But you should not get upset prematurely, there is nothing complicated or frightening about it because getting there is easier than ever.

How to enable the dark theme in Google Chrome for Android - photo 1

1) First, make sure that you already have Google Chrome version 74 installed. Open your browser, then click on the “three dots” in the upper right corner, go to “Settings” and at the bottom of the list select “About Chrome Browser”. If you have an old browser version installed and Google Play still does not offer you an update.

2) After updating the browser, go to the following URL:
chrome: // flags # enable-android-night-mode
(copy from here, paste into the address bar and click on the transition)

3) At the top of the window, you will see the item highlighted in yellow. Its value needs to be changed from “Default” to “Enabled”.

4) At the bottom of the screen, you will be prompted to restart the browser. Click the “Relaunch Now” button. We also recommend unloading Google Chrome from the list of running applications.

5) Start the browser, go to the settings and turn on Dark mode there.

How to enable dark theme in Google Chrome for Android - photo 2

After all that has been done, we strongly recommend closing the browser and unloading it again from the list of running applications.