Huawei released DevEco Studio 3.0, beta 1 is available for download

Huawei released DevEco Studio 3.0

On September 29th, Huawei released DevEco Studio 3.0 and released DevEco Studio 3.0 beta 1, which is now available for download for HarmonyOS development. This new version brings two new support tools and optimizations of existing features for the next version of the HarmonyOS operating system.

Huawei DevEco Studio is a one-stop integrated development environment (IDE) powered by IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition. It allows you to create project templates, and develop, build, debug, and launch end-to-end HarmonyOS applications, thus enabling you to innovate and develop products.

Creators with eligible resources can download this version from the company’s official website. Users of 64-bit Windows 10 and MacOS 10.14/10.15/11.2.2 with a minimum of 8GB of RAM, 100GB of internal storage, and 1280×800 pixel resolution can download this version.

DevEco Basic Tools and Features:

With the power of HarmonyOS, developers can easily create cross-device applications on a single platform. Furthermore, it improves working efficiency and accuracy with its convenient features.

In addition to the basic functions of developing, compiling, building, and commissioning the code, it also offers the facilities mentioned below.

  1. Multi-device Unified Development Environment:  Provides application development for multiple HarmonyOS devices, including smartphones, tablets, automobiles, smart screens, smart wearables, LiteWearable, and smart visions.
  2. Multi-language Code Development and Debugging Support:  The new version includes Java, XML, C/C++, JS, CSS, and HML (HarmonyOS Markup Language) linguistic support.
  3. FA and PA Support:  It has FA (Feature Ability) and PA (Particle Ability) to support rapid development. Quickly create FA/PA project templates using the project wizard. Plus, it packs them into HAP (HarmonyOS Ability Package) with one click.
  4. Distributed Multi-device Application Development Support:  Design and code can be executed across devices, supports real-time preview and differentiated development of different device interfaces, and maximizes code reuse.
  5. Multi-device Simulator Support:  Provides simulator features for multiple devices such as phones, tablets, vehicles, smart screens to facilitate efficient debugging by programmers.
  6. Support Multi-device Previewer:  Supports JavaScript and Java previewer functions, allows you to see the application layout effect in real-time. In addition, it supports real-time preview and dynamic preview. Simultaneously, it provides a simultaneous preview of multiple devices to show the rendering effect of the same layout file on different devices.