How to become invisible on Instagram

become invisible on Instagram

Have you ever wished to conceal the fact that you’ve viewed a direct message on Instagram? Perhaps you wish to delay your response or keep the conversation visible without the other person being aware.

For various reasons, you can invisible Instagram messages in two ways: disable read receipts for all chats or opt for a specific conversation. This article elaborates on both methods, allowing you to discover how to remove views on Instagram in the manner that suits you best.

Disable read receipts for all direct messages on Instagram.

Disable read receipts

To prevent the “seen” status from showing in your private Instagram messages, follow these steps:

  1. Visit Instagram and select your profile icon located at the bottom right corner.
  2. Tap the three horizontal lines located in the upper right corner.
  3. Choose Messages and story replies.
  4. Select Show reading receipts.
  5. Disable the Read Receipts setting.

After following these steps, you will gain the ability to view Instagram messages without alerting the sender to your presence. It’s important to note that disabling read receipts will also prevent you from knowing if others have read your messages on Instagram. Therefore, consider utilizing this feature selectively based on your needs.

Here, we provide a detailed guide on how to selectively remove message views on Instagram.

Turn off the read receipt on Instagram for a specific chat

Turn off the read receipt on Instagram

To prevent a particular view from showing up in an Instagram chat, adhere to these guidelines:

  • Open the chat on Instagram that you wish to invisible.
  • Click on the username at the top.
  • Choose Privacy & Security.
  • Disable the Read Receipts option.

Exclusively within that chat, you can read messages incognito. If you’re curious about viewing Instagram messages discreetly, this approach could suit you better.

Just a reminder, Messenger offers a feature to read messages without showing the “seen” status. However, keep in mind that this feature disables the ability to know if someone has read your message. Use it judiciously.

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