LeEco Le 1s Secure Boot DA File [Format Single Partition]

LeEco Le 1s Secure Boot DA File

Format A Single Partition In LeEco Le 1s using LeEco Le 1s Secure Boot DA File. This is a step by step guide showing how to format a single partition of a LeEco Le 1s using SP flash tool.

Why would I want to format a single partition on my LeEco Le 1s?

There are different causes why one might want to format a single partition on a LeEco Le 1s. One such example is when your device is FRP locked, all you need do is to format only FRP partition OR maybe you need to perform a factory reset but you are unable to boot into recovery mode for some weird unknown reasons, all you need is to format user data and cache partitions. The method below will show how we can do this.


1. open folder

2. extract flash tool and open flash tool

3. select da file in FRP folder

4. select scatter file

5. formate with FRP address ( 0x2d88000 0x100000 )

6. FRP done but dl image failed to show your screen

7. fix dl image failed flash with cache file job done.

FRP address

Requirements to format one single partition on my LeEco Le 1s:

  • Supported Phone: LeEco Le 1s
  • Charge your mobile: You may no less than a half charge.
  • Laptop or PC.

Take LeEco Le 1s Backup:

Download LeEco Le 1s Flashing Tool And Drivers:

LeEco Le 1s Secure Boot DA File Detail:

  • File Name: S4 IX626B Boot DA
  • Device Supported: LeEco Le 1s
  • Tool Supported: Sp Flash Tool


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How to Format a Single Partition of LeEco Le 1s:

1. The steps below explain how to format a single partition of a LeEco Le 1s using the SP flash tool.

2. Extract the content of the SP flash tool zip file and Launch SP flash tool.

Launch Sp Flash Tool to Format a Single Partition of LeEco Le 1s

3. Select the scatter file for your device by clicking choose besides the scatter-loading file’s dropdown bar.

Select scatter to Format a Single Partition of LeEco Le 1s

4. In the windows that appear next, navigate to and select the LeEco Le 1s scatter file.

select the LeEco Le 1s scatter file

5. You should now be taken back to the SP flash tool window, click on the Format tab.

LeEco Le 1s Secure Boot DA File [Format Single Partition]

6. Tick the checkbox beside “Manual format flash”

LeEco Le 1s Manual format flash

7. Open windows explorer and navigate to the location of the scatter file you selected earlier on then open it using Notepad++

LeEco Le 1s Secure Boot DA File [Format Single Partition]

8. Scroll down the contents of the scatter file till you get to the partition you wish to format [in my case, I’m trying to format FRP partition]

LeEco Le 1s format FRP partition

9. Input the values of Linear_start addr and partition_size into SP flash tool then Click on Start


Linear_start addr = Begin Address
partition_size    = Format Length
LeEco Le 1s addr and partition_size

10. Power off the phone (with the battery in) then connect to the PC via a USB cord. Once successful, you should get a green tick.

LeEco Le 1s Secure Boot DA File [Format Single Partition]

11. Now you can boot up the LeEco Le 1s.


  • Once the SP flash tool has detected your device, avoid disconnecting till the task is complete as this might cause the LeEco Le 1s to go dead.
  • If you accidentally selected “Autoformat – Format all”, your device will go dead and you’ll need to flash full LeEco Le 1s stock ROM to revive the phone.
  • Avoid using a random LeEco Le 1s scatter file (even though its for your chipset) in the Sp flash tool. Just because a scatter file is for your chipset doesn’t mean it contains the same partition info. Formatting with a wrong scatter file could result in more problems than you initially intended to fix.
  • SP flash tool was created by MediaTek Inc. so credits to them for the tool.