Google Camera 8.1 for Xiaomi Black Shark 4s – Best Gcam

Google Camera 8.1 for Xiaomi Black Shark 4s

Xiaomi’s Black Shark 4S is powered by top-of-the-line hardware and features. However, it can truly shine in photography. While the stock camera app offers decent performance, unlocking its true potential involves installing the Google Camera app.

Why Google Camera?

Google’s Camera app, commonly known as Gcam, is renowned for its advanced image processing algorithms and features that can significantly enhance any smartphone’s photography experience. With this app, you can capture stunning photos with improved dynamic range, low-light performance, and impressive computational photography features.

Key Features of Google Camera

1. HDR+ Mode

When it comes to capturing still images, Google Camera’s HDR+ Mode is a standout feature. It captures multiple images at different exposures and combines them to create a single high-dynamic-range image, resulting in stunning photos with vibrant colours and excellent detail.

2. Night Sight

Night Sight is a game-changer for low-light photography. It allows you to capture well-exposed photos while eliminating noise, making your nighttime shots look spectacular.

3. Portrait Mode

The Portrait Mode on Google Camera creates professional-looking bokeh effects, blurring the background to make the subject stand out. It’s perfect for capturing beautiful portraits.

4. Astrophotography Mode

If you’re a stargazer, Google Camera’s Astrophotography mode will be your best friend because it enables you to capture breathtaking shots of the night sky and celestial objects.

Download links:

  • Gcam_build_8.1.101_beta.apk: Download
  • Pixel 5 config file (all settings): Download
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How to install the Google Camera 8.1 on Realme GT Master Edition

As I said earlier above, below you will find out how to install the GCam Google Camera 8.1 app. For friends who don’t know the exact installation steps, you can see them here.

  1. The first step you have to take is to download the Google Camera application for your Google Camera 8…
  2. Then move the apk and XML files that you downloaded earlier to the phone’s internal storage.
  3. Then create a new folder with the name GCam on the phone’s internal storage, then paste the two files into this folder.
  4. Then in the GCam folder that you created earlier, create a new folder again with the name Configs.
  5. Then move the XML file into this Configs folder,
  6. Then the next step is to install the GCam apk that you copied earlier into that folder.
  7. After a message appears saying the app is installed, then open the GCam application.
  8. After the application is open, then double-tap on the black area close to the shutter button icon.
  9. Then select Choose Config, then look for the XML file that you copied earlier to the internal storage.
  10. Then click the Restore button.
  11. Finished.


In conclusion, it’s a game-changing move to install Google Camera on your Xiaomi Black Shark 4S. With features like HDR+, Night Sight, Portrait Mode, and Astrophotography, you’ll be able to capture breathtaking photos in various scenarios. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to unlock the full potential of your device’s camera and take your photography skills to the next level with Google Camera. Get started today, and watch your photos come to life like never before.

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