
All GTA Vice City cheats for Android and iOS

To improve your gaming experience on Android or iOS devices, using cheats for GTA Vice City is essential. This article will provide you with all the cheat codes and show you how to use them effectively.

Remember GTA Vice City? Back before San Andreas ruled the schoolyard, Vice City was the game to beat. Rockstar dropped us into a neon-drenched 80s paradise, complete with a killer soundtrack and enough crime to make even Tony Montana blush. Good times, man.

We all wanted to be Tommy Vercetti, clawing our way to the top of the criminal underworld. But there was one tiny problem: Tommy couldn’t swim! Yeah, for a criminal mastermind, he had a surprising weakness for water. Good thing those cheat codes came in handy when you accidentally took a dip in the ocean…

In this blast-from-the-past article, we’re gonna relive those glory days and unleash the full power of GTA Vice City cheats—on your Android and iOS devices, no less! Get ready for some serious retro gaming mayhem!


GTA Vice City Cheats List for Android and iOS

Vice City is a cheat code paradise, no doubt. We’re talking game-changing hacks that’ll make you practically invincible (and let you raise all kinds of hell in those pastel streets).

But here’s the thing: there’s a special kind of satisfaction that comes with conquering Vice City on your own. No cheats, no shortcuts, just pure Tommy Vercetti grit. Trust me, that feeling of victory will be sweet.

Then? Once you’ve earned your stripes as the ultimate gangster, unleash the cheats! Go wild, experiment, turn Vice City upside down—you’ve earned the right to a little chaotic fun.

Tricks that affect the character’s health and money in GTA Vice City

  • GIVEUSPOWERTOREVENGE – You gain 150 health.
  • WOWPOWER – You gain 200 armor.
  • ICANTTAKEITANYMORE: you make the protagonist commit suicide.
  • PRECIOUSPROTECTION: You recover armor to the maximum.
  • ASPIRINE – Restores the character’s health.
  • PROGRAMMER: You change Tommy’s legs and arms to be feminine.
  • CERTAIN DEATH: You make Tommy smoke a cigarette.
  • LOST ALL: you lose all the money.
  • DEEP: You get $1,000,000.

Weapon Cheats

  • NUTTERTOOLS: You get the heavy weaponry.
  • THUGSTOOLS: You get the light weaponry.
  • PROFESSIONAL TOOLS: You get the medium weaponry.
  • NOTHING ENDS: you get infinite ammo.

Vehicle and driving tricks

Vehicle and driving tricks

  • MIAMITRAFFIC – City drivers become aggressive.
  • IWANTITPAINTEDBLACK: all cars are painted black.
  • AHAIRDRESSERSCAR: all cars are painted pink.
  • JUSTALITTLEFASTER – All cars have nitro.
  • GREENLIGHT: all traffic lights turn green.
  • MEGASPEED: motorcycles and cars have nitro.
  • AIRSHIP – The fastest ships can fly.
  • WHEELSAREALLINEED: you make cars invisible except for the wheels.
  • TRAVEL IN STYLE – You make the Blooding Banger car appear.
  • GETTHEREQUICKLY – You make the Blooding Banger #2 car appear.
  • BETTERTHANWALKING: You make the Golf Caddy appear.
  • GETTHEREVERYFASTINDEED: You make Hotring Racer car #1 appear.
  • GETTHEREAMAZINGLYFAST: You make the Hotring Racer car #2 appear.
  • IWILLGETTOMARS: you make the Hunter appear.
  • AIRJUMP: You make Hunter 2 appear.
  • LETMERISEUP: you make Hunter 3 appear.
  • PANZER: You make the Rhino tank appear.
  • THE LAST RIDE: You make the funeral car appear.
  • GETTHEREFAST: You make the Saber Turbo appear.
  • RUBBISHCAR: you make the garbage truck appear.
  • ROCKANDROLLCAR: You make Love Fist’s limo appear.
  • BANG: Cars near you explode.
  • COMEFLYWITHME: Cars are capable of flying.
  • SEAWAYS – Cars can float on water and drive.
  • LOADSOFLITTLETHINGS: you increase the size of the wheels on sports cars.
  • GRIPISEVERYTHING: you get a perfect ride.

Climate and weather tricks

  • WORLDISMAD: the weather changes frantically.
  • ABITDRIEG: the clouds are getting dense.
  • CANTSEEATHING: The weather turns cloudy.
  • APLEASANTDAY: The clouds are lighter.
  • ON SPEED: you get to speed up the entire game.
  • BOOOOOORING: you make everything happen slower.
  • LIFEISPASSINGMEBY – You make game time speed up.
  • CATS AND DOGS: You make the weather stormy.
  • A LOVELY DAY: You make the weather sunny and cloudless.

Clothing tricks in GTA Vice City

Clothing tricks in GTA Vice City

  • STILLIKEDRESSINGUP: you change the character’s clothes.
  • LOLOLDISGUS: You make NPCs go without clothes.
  • ILOOKLIKEHILARY – You change characters to play as Hilary King.
  • MYSONISALAWYER – You change characters to play as Ken Rosenberg.
  • LOOKLIKELANCE – You change characters to play as Lance Vance.
  • WELOVEOURDICK – You change characters to play as Dick from Love Fist.
  • ROCKANDROLLMAN – You change characters to play Jezz Torent from Love Fist.
  • FOXYLITTLETHING – You change characters to play as Mercedes.
  • ONEARMEDBANDIT – You change characters to play as Phil Cassidy.
  • CHEATSHAVEBEENCRACKED – You change characters to play as Ricardo Diaz.
  • IDONTHAVETHEMONEYSONNY – You change characters to play Sonny Forelli.

Tricks related to the search level

  • MOST WANTED: You increase the police wanted level to the maximum.
  • YOUWONTTAKEMEALIVE: you raise the level of police search.
  • CHASESTAT – shows the level of media, as long as you have 2 or more search stars.
  • LEAVE ME ALONE – You remove the police wanted level.

Cheats that affect the behavior of NPCs

  • CHICKSWITHGUNS: The girls carry weapons.
  • FANNYMAGNET: You get women to chase you.
  • GOD POWER: You make NPCs carry rocket launchers.
  • NOBODY LIKES ME: You make NPCs hate you.
  • FIGHTIGHTFIGHT: you modify the behavior of NPCs and make them cause riots.
  • THEGODHASGIVEUSPOWERTOFIGHT: You make NPCs riot with weaponry.

Rockstar loves hiding secret codes in their games—it’s practically a tradition! Remember how much fun it was to discover them in San Andreas? Well, Vice City is no different! We’re talking instant health, mountains of cash, weapon arsenals, and even the ability to make cars swim.

But hold up—there’s a catch (isn’t there always? 😅). You’ll need a keyboard to enter these cheat codes. Yep, you heard that right!


Here’s how to make it work:

  • Connect an External Keyboard: Both Android and iOS devices play nicely with external keyboards—Bluetooth or wired, take your pick.

  • Android Users, Go Virtual! Download a virtual keyboard app like Hacker’s Keyboard (it’s free and awesome!). This lets you type in cheats without needing an extra gadget.

Once you’ve got your keyboard game on point, just fire up Vice City, type in the code, and watch the magic (or should we say, chaos) unfold!


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