Witcher 3: DirectX 11 vs DirectX 12

“The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt” is a breathtaking open-world RPG that continues to engage gamers even years after its initial launch in 2015. One of the factors contributing to the game’s longevity is the continuous optimizations and enhancements that keep it performing well on modern hardware.

A significant aspect of such performance improvement revolves around Microsoft’s DirectX technology, mainly, DirectX 11 and DirectX 12. This article compares the two versions and highlights the pros and cons of each for “The Witcher 3.”

Witcher 3: DirectX 11 vs DirectX 12

DirectX 11 vs. DirectX 12: Core Differences

Microsoft’s DirectX 11 and 12 are essential tools for developers that control graphic hardware and provide a high-performance interface for rendering 2D and 3D graphics in games. However, they offer different approaches to rendering.

DirectX 11, though efficient, relies heavily on single-threaded performance, which can lead to CPU bottlenecks slowing down game performance. On the other hand, DirectX 12 allows for parallel rendering, meaning it can use multiple cores and threads simultaneously, resulting in better CPU utilization and potentially better game performance. See why is dx12 worse than dx11

Witcher 3 Performance: DirectX 11 vs. DirectX 12

Since “The Witcher 3” uses the REDengine 3, which supports DirectX 11, the game was not originally optimized for DirectX 12. However, several discussions and experiments within the gaming community indicate that by using DirectX 12 patches or updates, some gamers have reported improvements in performance.

A comparative analysis showed that many gamers reported more stable frame rates and fewer drops in performance under intensive in-game situations when running it via DirectX 12. However, substantial improvements were more noticeable on systems with high-core-count CPUs, where DirectX 12’s superior multi-threaded utilization could shine.

Diverse Perspectives

Each gamer’s experience will differ significantly based on their hardware setup, making the DirectX 11 vs. DirectX 12 debate subjective.

  • Users with older hardware: For gamers using older systems or processors with fewer cores, sticking to DirectX 11 may result in more stable performance.
  • Users with modern hardware: In contrast, those utilizing modern, high-performance CPUs with multiple cores may benefit from implementing DirectX 12 because of its superior multi-threaded performance capabilities.

Nevertheless, some users have reported instability issues with DirectX 12 patches for “The Witcher 3,” highlighting potential software compatibility issues or bugs affecting comparatively less-tested DirectX 12.

Fix The Witcher 3 Not Using GPU?

How to Fix The Witcher 3 Not Using GPU?

The Witcher III is an online dark fantasy action role-playing video game developed by the CD Projekt RED team. This fantasy action role-playing game series was released in 2007, and it. Continue Reading:

Witcher 3 dx12 settings

Using DX12 might not automatically boost the game’s performance. The optimal settings combine this advanced API with suitable in-game visual settings for the best possible performance and visual fidelity. It’s a matter of balancing between visual attractiveness and a smooth gameplay experience [1%5E].

Enable DX12 in Witcher 3

Before we dive into the settings itself, let’s see how to enable DX12 for the Witcher 3:

  1. Go to your Witcher 3 installation directory.
  2. Open the “bin” folder.
  3. Go to “config” and then “base.”
  4. Open the “general.ini” file in any text editor.
  5. In the [General] section, add the following line: "api=D3D12".

Remember to save the changes. This change should enable DX12 for Witcher 3.

Adjusting Your Game Settings

  • Resolution: Stick to the native resolution of your monitor. Higher resolutions will demand more from your GPU.
  • Vsync: It’s recommended to turn this off if you’re using a G-Sync or FreeSync display. Otherwise, you may activate it to avoid screen tearing at the cost of potentially triggering input lag.
  • Frame Rate: Unlocked frame rate takes full advantage of DirectX 12’s performance improvements.
  • Graphics Quality: Start with the “High” preset and incrementally adjust specific settings to get the best performance/visual balance.

Individual settings such as “Shadow Quality,” “Terrain Quality,” “Water Quality,” etc., can all be adjusted, but bear in mind these changes will affect the game’s performance. You’ll need to find a balance that suits your particular system


The choice between DirectX 11 and DirectX 12 for running “The Witcher 3” largely depends on individual system configurations and personal experiences. DirectX 12 seems to hold the upper hand regarding more modern, powerful systems with multiple cores, while DirectX 11 might still be the safer choice for older setups. As with many aspects of PC gaming, your mileage may vary, and experimentation is critical to finding the most satisfying results.

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