How To Enable The New Chrome Dark Mode on Android

New Chrome Dark Mode on Android

The dark mode was discreetly released on the Android version of Google Chrome as part of the latest app updates. Finally, we can all use our phones more comfortably, especially at night, without having to activate night reading modes or other settings … and I suppose it’s useful for battery life as well.

Enabling Chrome’s dark mode on Android requires a few extra steps than you might expect, as the feature is still being tested technically and is not complete, so there will be some bugs for now. That said, we are happy to know that the feature is finally available, know how to activate dark mode in Chrome for Android.

How to enable dark mode for Chrome on Android

First, for the dark mode option to appear in Chrome settings, you’ll need to run version 74 or higher of the Chrome Android app. You can check the version of the app and download the latest update directly from the Google App Store.


After updating correctly, do the following:

  1. In Chrome, type: “ chrome: // flags ” in the URL bar. This will take the user to the Google Chrome flag settings, which we will need to adjust to seeing the dark mode option in the Google Chrome settings.
  2. Tap the search bar on the flag page and search for “Dark Mode UI”, which should take you directly to the correct flag setting.
  3. Touch the drop-down box and change the setting from “Default” to “Enabled”. Then restart Chrome.
  4. When the application is open again, tap the “three dots” menu button and go to Settings> Dark Mode. Touch the slider and Chrome should automatically switch to the new dark theme. If you cannot find the dark mode setting after activating the flag, try restarting the application (it may take some updates for the option to appear).

When the option is officially implemented, there is no need to touch the Chrome flags to show the feature, but this is only when the final version of Chrome’s dark mode is available on Android, but for now, this is the only way to activate the mode dark.

The dark mode is technically an unfinished feature, so not all pages display the dark theme. We noticed that the search results are still being displayed with a white background.

Likewise, they may find certain text or page elements displayed incorrectly with dark mode enabled. These small bugs are likely to be fixed in the final version, but they can disable dark mode in the settings tab if that bothers you.


Note: If it doesn’t work the first time, force Chrome to close application settings and restart