
Dishonored Safe Locations and Combinations Guide

In Dishonored, players will come across numerous locked safes that necessitate a specific key combination or password for access. For those interested in uncovering all the combinations and locations of these rogue safes, please refer to the information below.

For additional insights into Dishonored, consider consulting our Guide to Bone Amulet locations, Rune locations, and Sokolov Paintings.


Dishonored Safe Combinations and Locations

Insurance #1
Mission. Dishonored
Unlock Password: 451
You will find this safe in the sewers beyond the area where Corvo retrieves his equipment from him.

Insurance #2
Mission. High Overseer Campbell
Unlock Password: 287
You will find this safe in Dr. Galvani’s house.


Locked Door #3
Mission. High Overseer Campbell
Unlock Password: 217
You will find a locked kennel door in the Overseer’s base. You can use this combination to unlock it.

Insurance #4
Mission. High Overseer Campbell
Unlock Password: 203
You will find this safe in the Overseer’s base.

Insurance #5
Mission . House of Pleasure
Unlock Password: 138 / 879
You will find this safe in the artist’s house.

#AlternativeMission . House of Pleasure
Unlock Password: 696
You will find this safe in the artist’s residence.


Insurance #6
Mission. The Royal Doctor
Unlock Password: 473
You will find Pracchett’s safe on the North End map.

Insurance #7
Mission. The Royal Doctor
Unlock Password: 294
You will find this safe behind a painting in the destroyed building where the prisoner pen is outside the Sokolov estate.

safe #8
Mission. Return to the Tower
Unlock Password: 935
You will find Lord Regent Hiram Burrows’ safe in his private chambers in Dunwall Tower.

Insurance #9
Mission. Flooded District
Unlock Password: 428 / 525 / 628
You will find this safe in the sewer of Old Port District. It’s one with a bone charm!


Dunwall City Trials

Insurance #1
Mission. Thief (on Expert difficulty)
Unlock Password: Random

1. The chamber located on the second level features shattered windows that overlook the staircase. The code is generated randomly for each game session. Clue: This code can be found on the third floor, near a damaged window. The initial digit is positioned at the base of the left window, the second digit is located on the brick wall behind it, and the third digit is situated in the center of the upper frame.

The Dunwall Knife

Insurance #1
Mission. A Captain of Industry
Unlock Password: Random or 385 / 529 / 728 / 928

The safe home is in the guardhouse. If Daud purchases the favor note at the quest’s beginning, a marker is placed on the slaughterhouse wall across from the courtyard. The combination to the safe is on that wall behind fragile wood. The combination is random, but you can try the ones we list as they appear most frequently.


If you did not purchase the favor, look for a note underwater under the cargo ship to your right as you enter the slaughterhouse yard. It will list one of four possible combinations on its left side.

safe #2
Mission. A Captain of Industry
Unlock Password: 512

The safe is in Rothwild’s office, and the clue to opening it can be found on his injury report.

The Safe Combinations of the Brigmore Witches

Insurance #1
Mission. dead eels
Unlock password: 1 6 5 / 2 3 8 / 3 8 7 / 4 0 8 / 5 7 2 / 6 6 9 / 7 7 4 / 8 3 7 / 8 7 3 / 9 8 4


The door to the textile factory (which can be accessed through the basement or sewers) is always closed.

You can obtain the code by making a deal with Nurse Trimble or Mechanic Hatter, who each know one of its digits, or by finding a note in Hatter’s apartment.

The person with the key to the cabinet containing this note is a mechanic I met in the sewers.


[su_spoiler title=”What is a closed door in Dishonored 2?” style=”fancy”]


Locked doors and safes are an excellent way of keeping the loot from your adversaries in Dishonored 2, but what about those locked treasure chests?


[su_spoiler title=”Is Dishonored 2 on PS4?” style=”fancy”]

The next installment in Bethesda’s Dishonored franchise, Death of the Outsider, is now available for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It will be released on PC later this month.


Dishonored 2 boasts an engrossing story and two playable characters: Emily and Corvo.

Like the first Dishonored, stealth is once again a core element of the game, along with many secrets, puzzles, and challenges.


[su_spoiler title=”What is the first safe combination in Dishonored 2?” style=”fancy”]


Curiosity 1: The first safe combination found in Dishonored, Dishonored 2, and Death of the Outsider, “451”, is a continuous reference to a Ray Bradbury novel (and other media) about censorship. This was not included in my client’s brief.

Curiosities 2: In The Bank Job, the safe belonging to Morgan Yu in the bank refers to the protagonist of Prey, an earlier video game by the same studio. This was not included in my client’s brief.


[su_spoiler title=”Where can I find all the codes in Dishonored 2?” style=”fancy”]


There are a lot of codes in Dishonored 2. They’re all randomly generated, so we can’t tell you precisely the numbers, but we can tell you where to find them. To find door codes, look for hidden notes that always appear in the same place. And if you’re trying to open a locked door or safe requiring a key, you can always open it!


[su_spoiler title=”How do I get the best loot in Dishonored 2?” style=”fancy”]

In Dishonored 2, you can find loot throughout missions. This allows you to buy upgrades, consumables, and ammo whenever possible. The best loot is found inside combo safes.


[su_spoiler title=”Where can I find the code to the second floor safe?” style=”fancy”]

The safe is in the second-floor room facing the stairs. The combination is randomly generated between each round, but you can find a clue on the second floor. The code is written on the third floor around the broken window.


[su_spoiler title=”How do you get security codes in Dishonored 2?” style=”fancy”]


There is a safe in the first chapter of Dishonored 2, found in Dr. Galvani’s laboratory. To get to the laboratory, exit Dunwall Tower and enter the streets. The laboratory will be right next to you once you exit the tower. Go inside and find a painting on the wall that you can remove; behind it is the safe combination.


[su_spoiler title=”Where are the safes in Dishonored?” style=”fancy”]

Different safes are scattered across the maps of Dishonored, waiting to be unlocked. It is beneficial to find these safes, as they often include valuable collectibles such as runes or bone talismans. Unfortunately, the codes are usually random.



[su_spoiler title=”Will there be Dishonored 2?” style=”fancy”]

Dishonored 2 is an action-adventure video game developed by Arkane Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks. It was released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One in 2016.



[su_spoiler title=”Is Dishonored 2 owned by ZeniMax?” style=”fancy”]

Dishonored® 2 is a trademark of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the US and/or other countries. Bethesda, Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax, and related logos are registered trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the US and/or other countries. Developed by Arkane Studios.


[su_spoiler title=”Is The Dreadful Wale in Dishonored 2 on PS4?” style=”fancy”]


Bethesda showcased Dishonored 2 at its E3 2017 event, previewing the game with a drawing that showed each island and the Dreadful Wale in the middle. The control scheme presented in the PlayStation 4 game manual does not correspond to the presets available for use during gameplay.


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