AndroidHow To

Repair Bootloop After Magisk Patched Init_boot Flash

Root access on Android 13 has changed, and you might encounter a bootloop after flashing a Magisk patched init_boot file. Here’s how to fix it!

Understanding the Problem:

  • New Rooting Method: Android 13 uses the init_boot file instead of boot.img for rooting.

  • Bootloop: A bootloop means your device gets stuck on the boot screen and doesn’t load properly.

Fixes to Try: Repair Bootloop After Magisk Patched Init_boot Flash

1. Force Restart:

  • Try a Hard Reboot: Long-press the power button on your device and choose “Restart” or “Reboot”.

  • Enter Fastboot Mode: If your device doesn’t restart, press and hold the hardware key combination for Fastboot Mode (this varies by device). Then, use the command fastboot reboot to boot into the operating system.

Force Restart

2. Flash the Original init_boot.img

  • Get the Stock init_boot.img: Download the stock firmware for your device. You’ll find it on the manufacturer’s website or a reliable online resource. Extract the stock init_boot.img file.

  • Download Android SDK Platform Tools: Get the Android SDK Platform Tools from Google’s website. Extract the files to your PC.

  • Place the Stock File: Put the stock init_boot.img file in the “platform-tools” folder.

  • Enter Fastboot Mode: Use the hardware key combination to restart your device into Fastboot Mode.

  • Open Command Prompt: Open the Command Prompt in the platform-tools folder.

  • Flash the Original init_boot: Use the following commands to flash the original init_boot.img file to both slots:

    fastboot flash init_boot_a boot.img
    fastboot flash init_boot_b boot.img
  • Reboot: Type the following command to reboot your device:

    fastboot reboot
  • Check for Bootloop: After flashing the original init_boot file, see if the bootloop is fixed.

Magisk Patched Boot


3. Flash Stock Firmware

  • Use Fastboot Commands: In some cases, a corrupted partition (except for init_boot) can cause a bootloop. You can use Fastboot commands to reinstall the original firmware, which will flash all files to their correct partitions. This is often the best solution for stubborn bootloops.

  • Consult Device-Specific Guides: Search online for guides on how to flash stock firmware for your specific device model.

Important: Flashing stock firmware will erase all your data, so be sure to back up your device before proceeding.


This guide provides the most common solutions for fixing bootloops after flashing a Magisk patched init_boot file. If you’re still having issues, you can always reach out to the rooting community for help!

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