Home How To How To Share Files From Windows 10 To Android via Wi-Fi

How To Share Files From Windows 10 To Android via Wi-Fi


Share Files From Windows 10 To Android

Smartphones are increasingly becoming an essential part of everyday life and for this, you may find yourself in the situation of having to share files between an Android device and a Windows 10 PC.

Fortunately, unlike what happened years ago, this operation has now become something easy and immediate.

How to share files between Android and Windows 10

It must be said that there are many ways to transfer files from an Android smartphone to a Windows PC. Bluetooth is one of the possible solutions, as well as connect your phone to a PC via the ‘ appropriate USB cable. 


However, in this tutorial, we want to explain how to do this using the Wi-Fi network. Here we want to explain how to transfer files from a smartphone to a PC without having to install software on a PC but only by downloading an app on the mobile phone.

Make a Windows folder public

Access to Windows 10 folders by an Android device may seem a little tricky at first. First, you need to make the file or folder accessible from external devices.

Usually, the easiest way to make a file or folder public on your PC is to move or copy the files to the Windows 10 public folder which is typically found in C: / Users / Public.

This folder is special because it is set automatically to allow other users on the network to access it. However, if you want to share a folder without moving it to ” Public “, you can configure it appropriately.


To do this, right-click on the file or folder you want to share, then click Properties, then go to the Sharing tab and click Share.

A drop-down menu will appear and you will need to select the “All” option. Then click on Add and finally on the “Share” button at the bottom right.

By default, you will need your user credentials to access your PC’s public folders from the outside. If you prefer not to enter them every time and trust all the devices on your network, you can disable the request for credentials and allow guests to see your public files.


To do this, type the “advanced sharing” function in the search bar of your PC’s Start menu and select the ” Advanced sharing settings” setting.

Within this feature scroll down to the “All networks” category and once here search for “Disable password protected sharing”. Click on this option, then click on “Save changes”. You can now access your public files without having to log in with a password each time.

Obviously this means that other users who are using your own network will also be able to access these files, so be sure to re-enable password-protected sharing for the most sensitive files.


How to access files on Windows 10 PC from Android

To access the files on your PC via an Android smartphone you will need a file explorer that has LAN functionality so that it can access your PC.

To do this, we recommend using the FE File Explorer application. We chose this app because it is easy to use and simplifies connection to the PC, whether you use an account or log in as a guest.

When you start FE File Explorer, touch the “Plus” button at the bottom right: a screen will open with different options and you will have to choose the “Windows” icon. Once this option is selected you will need to enter the network details of your PC.

If you are on the same Wi-Fi network as your PC, you can skip this step: just scroll down where you will find the “nearby devices” option: there you will find your PC and just select it. The app will then ask you if you want to access your PC as a registered user or as a guest.


If you have activated password protected sharing, select the option “log in as a registered user” otherwise select the guest option.

Once logged in, you should be able to browse public folders on your PC. Now you can tap the three dots next to a single file to see all the actions that you can perform or select multiple files to download or move.

Access Android files from Windows 10 PC

The app that you will need to download to your Android smartphone in order to access the files on a PC is Sweech . Once you download Sweech you will have to press the large “Play” button that appears and grant the app permissions to access your files. At this point, Sweech will show you an IP address and a local port.

Now all you have to do is take that IP address that appeared in the app and type it in the address bar located in the browser of your PC and press Enter. By doing this, you will see the file system of your phone appear on the screen.


This operation allows you to browse your phone as if it were a folder on your PC and you can also transfer files from your smartphone to your computer and vice versa.

When you are done, all you have to do is press the Stop button in the Sweech app and the connection will end.

Whenever you use Sweech, the app will use the same IP address and port, so simply add the page with the IP address to the bookmark list. present your browser so you always have quick access without having to type the entire address every time.

As you can see it is quite easy to share files between Android and Windows 10, while if you are using a Mac and you need to transfer files from an Android device we recommend using the OpenMTP application.


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