The best decks for the Clash Royale Doctor Duendes Challenge

The long-awaited event with the new Clash Royale Champion, the Goblin, is finally here. It is free for all players, so you can use his strong attacks to win great rewards.
This new card is special because it can shock all nearby enemies with the small antenna on its head.
If you have this card but haven’t used it because you couldn’t upgrade it, this event lets you use it fully. We will show you the best decks to win the Doctor Goendenstein Challenge, an event you shouldn’t miss.
Top 5 Decks for Doctor Goendenstein’s Challenge
Before we show you the best decks for this Champion, we need to explain that you can only use one evolution in each deck. Also, the evolved Electro Dragon is not in the challenge because it is still being changed in its attack stats.
Deck 1 – Royal Evolution
- Royal Recruits (evolved).
- Duendestein.
- Royal Pigs.
- Flying machine.
- Fisherman.
- Bombardier.
- Arrows.
- Electric spirit.
Tower Card : Archer.
Average elixir consumption : 3.8 units.
Deck 2 – Franky Overwhelm
- Skeletons (evolved).
- Duendestein.
- Royal Pigs.
- Earthquake.
- Ice spirit.
- Royal Package.
- The Trunk.
- Canon.
Tower Card : Archer.
Average elixir consumption : 2.9 units.
Deck 3 – Goblin Fishing
- PEKKA (evolved).
- Duendestein.
- Giant goblin.
- Fisherman.
- Bombardier.
- Guards.
- Arrows.
- Rage.
Tower Card : Archer.
Average elixir consumption : 3.9 units.
Deck 4 – Killer Ram
- PEKKA (evolved).
- Duendestein.
- Ram Rider.
- Fisherman.
- Bombardier.
- Guards.
- Arrows.
- Rage.
Tower Card : Archer.
Average elixir consumption : 3.8 units.
Deck 5 – Companion Ice
- Electric Spirit (evolved).
- Duendestein.
- Royal Pigs.
- Earthquake.
- Skeletons.
- Royal Package.
- The Trunk.
- Canon.
Tower Card : Archer.
Average elixir consumption : 2.9 units.
We always suggest that in temporary Clash Royale challenges, you should try all the decks in the event to find the one that fits your playing style best.